Off to our local convention in Albuquerque this weekend. Stop by if you’re in the neighborhood. Bubonicon is a smallish (about 500 people), friendly convention with a decided literary slant. This year the GOH is my old pal Michael Cassutt, a colleague from my TWILIGHT ZONE days and a veteran of the Hollywood wars. Mike is sharp and cynical and always fun to share a beer with, and we’ll be doing some panels together and talking about where the bodies are buried. Also on hand will be toastmaster Carrie Vaughn, a whole phalanx of Wild Carders, S.M. Stirling, Trent Zelazny, Diana Galbaldon, and many other good folks.
My reading is at 5pm tomorrow. Will probably read a chapter from DANCE, haven’t decided which one yet.
Meanwhile, off across the water, casting continues. The latest auditions I have screened were for “Nameless Eunuch” and “Red-Headed Whore.” (Remember, there are no small parts. Red-Headed Whore has a great line). Only one part has been filled since the Secret Seven were announced, but I expect to hear about more castings Real Soon Now.
Current Mood: null