… has been a pig, a roach, and a fat friend. He’s been known to hang about with highlanders, rabbits, and dwarfs.
Just sayin’
Current Mood: null
… has been a pig, a roach, and a fat friend. He’s been known to hang about with highlanders, rabbits, and dwarfs.
Just sayin’
Current Mood: null
Ever since HBO first took out an option on A GAME OF THRONES — even before we got an actual production order — I’ve been getting emails from readers who desperately wanted to be a part of the production. “I’ll do anything!” some of you have written. ((Really, don’t say stuff like that. Really. Don’t.))
Well, now’s your chance. The call has gone out for extras. Details here:
Of course, you need to be in Northern Ireland, or get yourself to Northern Ireland. They’re shooting this mostly in Belfast and environs.
And it would help to know horses. As you can see, their biggest need right now is for experienced male riders. (I imagine they could use some female riders too, though maybe not as many. And if not, hey, that’s why they invented false beards.)
But I’m in Santa Fe, so I’m not the guy to write to about this. Inquire as above.
And good luck. Maybe I’ll be meeting some of Belfast, a month from now.
Current Mood: null
Two of three are done, I’m told.
Waiting for signed contracts on the last.
Current Mood: null
Life is magical and full of joy.
Two more victories for my New York teams today. The Giants totally dominated Tampa Bay, holding them to under a hundred yards of total offense, shutting down their run game completely, pitching a 24-0 shutout. On offense, Jacobs and Bradshaw both ran the ball convincingly, Eli and the receivers looked sharp. The Scottish Kicker did miss a chip shot field goal, probably because the commentators jinxed him by mentioning his name. That, and a few new injuries, were the only flies on what was otherwise a complete victory. I am especially worried about Kareem McKenzie, who was carried off on a cart. The G-Men have looked very strong to date, but the injuries have really started to pile up, and that is worrisome.
The Jet game was much more exciting. Dressed in their throwback New York Titans unis, the Jets jumped off to a fast 14-0 start and for a bit the game looked like a blowout. But a fumble changed the momentum and the Titans (in their throwback Oiler unis) came roaring back in the second and third quarters to go ahead 17-14. Then came another turnover, and Big Mo shifted back. The last quarter belonged to the Jets. Sanchez had some trouble with the wet ball, but played pretty well, all in all. Jericho was a beast, especially on that long catch. The Jets special teams were outstanding. And the defense… what was especially impressive was how much Rex changed his game plan from last week. Gone were all the blitzes. Instead the Jets focused on shutting down the Tennessee running game, their strength, and were successful.
The weirdest thing was that the two games were being played simultaneously, which I don’t recall ever seeing before, in all my years of watching football. I had to switch back and forth between them on my TiVo, and inevitably some plays got spoiled for me.
Next week the Giants go to Kansas City for their third road game in a row, and the Jets face their sternest test yet when they go to New Orleans to play Drew Brees and the high-flying Saints.
Current Mood: null
… is an experienced master at arms,
… has been a colonel, a doctor, a friar, a nazi, a sergeant, a superintendant, a corporal, and a minister,
… knows Cersei, Eddard, Ser Jorah, and Pussy Galore.
Just sayin’
Current Mood: null
… was the great betrayer.
… worked at a tobacco factory.
… is a novel by Cory Doctorow that was nominated for the Hugo, but that doesn’t count.
… was the great betrayed.
… never went to space, but has been in freefall.
Just sayin’
Current Mood: null
Major roles, that is.
Still waiting for deals to make (or not) on some of the supporting roles.
No, HBO will not be using those Norwegian wolves everyone has been emailing me about. They look like very nice wolves, but UK laws make it impossible.
Current Mood: null
… yes, it’s Rory McCann, a wonderful Scots actor.
Most of you figured that out weeks ago, of course. Mea culpa. My clues were much too obvious this time around, especially the spelling of “porage,” which yielded up the secret to anyone who googled the word. If I had gone with “porridge,” that might have created a few more hours of mystery at least.
Here’s the Scotts Porage Oats commercial from which the clue was taken:
<lj-embed id=”13″/>
As for my second clue, “the dog is green,” well, that one was pretty easy to find as well, once you found McCann’s name from the “porage” reference:
<lj-embed id=”14″/>
It wasn’t either of those that won Rory the role, however. Nor was it his performance in HOT FUZZ, a movie that I’ve heard good things about but never seen. His look had a lot to do with it, though. A lot of good actors auditioned for the role, and several gave really first class readings… but simply did not have the physicality the part demands. Sandor needs to be a big guy, powerful and threatening, someone who looks like he could break you in half. Rory is all of that and more.
Mostly, though, it was his readings. We had other good ones, yes, but none to touch his. One of the scenes in the side was Sandor’s scene with Sansa, where he tells her how his face came to be scarred. In the space of a few lines, Rory had me terrified (where he roars, “Look at me,” and makes her look at his face), made me chuckle (when he says no, the burns weren’t dragonflame), and brought a tear to my eye (when he tells his story). After I saw that, I knew he was Sandor… and David, Dan, and Tom all agreed.
I think you’ll going to love him as the Hound.
Of course, if we go to series, now we’re going to have to find someone a foot and a half taller to play his brother. Now THAT will be difficult!
Current Mood: null
Here are the two latest additions to Dark Sword’s range of Ice and Fire miniatures.
Victarion Greyjoy, admiral of the Iron Fleet.
And here’s his little brother, the priest Aeron “Damphair” Greyjoy.
Both sculpts are from the talented hands of Jeff Grace. Jeff has previously done figures of Theon Greyjoy and his sister Asha. Be the first kid on your block to collect all the krakens.
For more pictures, visit the Dark Sword website at http://darkswordminiatures.com/
Next up will be Tom Meier, with sculpts from the Red Viper of Dorne and the Mountain That Rides fighting their famous duel. Look for them in about a week.
Current Mood: null
Arrangements are still being worked out, but I have some tentative dates and times for my appearances in Ireland in November.
On Tuesday, November 3, I will be speaking and signing at Eason’s Bookstore in Belfast. The event begins at 1:00 pm. Or 1300 for you European types.
On Thursday, November 5, I will be at Eason’s on O’Connell Street in Dublin. This event begins at 5:00 pm, or 1700.
More details when I have ’em.
There’s a chance that David and/or Dan will drop by for the Belfast signing, and possibly some of the cast as well, but that’s not certain. May depend on how the shoot is going, what’s scheduled for that day, what’s happening down at the Paint Hall, etc. If I get any news on that front, I’ll be sure to pass it on.
These will be the first booksignings I’ve ever done in Ireland, so I don’t know what sort of crowd to expect… but I’m looking forward to meeting some of my Irish readers. Pass the word.
Current Mood: null