Not a Blog

Leaving on a Jet Plane…

July 11, 2012 at 10:36 am
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… in a few hours. This time my destination is San Diego Comicon.

(I was the first registrant at the very first comicon, did I mention? Drew about thirty people to a seedy hotel in Greenwich Village. But I did get to meet Steve Ditko and Fabulous Flo Steinberg. Comicons have grown since).

I expect I will see some of you at the HBO panel. I’m the lucky one, I don’t have to stand in line for hours to get in.

From San Diego, I fly direct to Spain. Look for me in Aviles, Madrid, and Barcelona.

I will be scarce around here until I get back home at month’s end, but I leave the house, the office, and the blog in the hands of my trio of able assistants, Terrible Ty, Rambunctious Raya, and Perky Pat. You may hear from them from time to time while I’m gone.

Current Mood: null null

Back from Montana

May 30, 2012 at 11:09 am
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Back home again from Missoula, Montana, where I spent the weekend as GOH at Miscon 26.

’twas my first trip to Montana, and I can’t say I really saw much of it, but Missoula was a pleasant little city, and the con itself was great. They drew 1300 people, I’m told, a record for Miscon, and I think all of them had a great time. I know I did. Miscon fen party like we did in the old days, and the hotel — Ruby’s, a small indy with local ownership — was really great. None of the nonsense with noise complaints and shutting down parties and elevators that has plagued so many cons of late. In fact, some of the hotel management partied with us.

So a tip of the hat to Justin, Cthulhu Bob, Clay, and the rest of the Miscon Miscreants, and to Tim, Dustan, and Vicky from Ruby’s. You were great.

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London Towne

April 10, 2012 at 1:38 pm
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Busy, busy… still in England, now in the heart of London… we had a smashing visit to Bath, with a great event at Toppings and tourist visits to the Roman Baths, the spa, the Assembly Rooms, and the Royal Crescent… then it was back to Heathrow for the (sold out) Eastercon. Biggest and best Eastercon ever, by all reports. It was great to see so many old friends, and to make some new ones.

Meanwhile, back at home, GAME OF THRONES won the prestigious Peabody Award.

This evening is the big London signing and interview at the Bloomsbury Theatre. See (some of) you there!

Current Mood: null null

In the Land of Fish and Chips

March 29, 2012 at 10:17 am
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Made it across the pond safely. Parris got her first platter of fish ‘n chips last night, and pronounced it ghood. Today we’re recovering from jet lag.

Current Mood: null null


Talking to Canadians

March 17, 2012 at 1:30 pm
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And for those of you for whom that long interview on Strombo’s show was not enough, here’s even more footage of me talking (and talking, and talking, an even reading a bit) on my recent visit to Toronto.

These are from my appearance at the TIFF Lightbox, where I was interviewed by the delightful Terry Hart. I yakked so much we had to break this down into three parts.

Part, the First
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Part, the Second
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The final third also contains a taste of what’s to come in the form of a short (very short) reading from THE WINDS OF WINTER. However, if you have not read up through A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, you may want to skip this. Spoilers lurk ahead.

Part, the Third
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Current Mood: null null


February 25, 2012 at 5:09 pm
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Sorry, but I need to vent.

I am being nibbled to death by mice.

And this morning a elephant landed on me.


There are not enough hours in the day. There are not enough days in the week. There are not enough weeks in the year. Sometimes it feels as if I work all day every day, only to wind up further behind by the time the sun goes down, as more mice come swarming through the cracks and more elephants come lumbering through the doors.

I really really really need to learn to say No.

No, I will not come to your convention, thanks for asking.

No, I will not read your manuscript/ galley proof/ book, but good luck with that.

No, I will not write a story for your anthology, I am a year behind writing stories for my own anthologies.

No, I will not write a preface/ introduction/ foreword for your book.

No, I will not do an interview.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Such a simple word. Such a short word. Why do I have such trouble uttering it?

Once I give my word to attend a con/ write a story/ do an interview, I feel honor bound to deliver, to follow through, to make good my promise. But I give my word too often and too easily, I need to realize that. I do, I do, I DO realize that… on an intellectual level, but maybe not in my gut. And so while my brain is saying, “you can’t do that, you do not have the time,” my lips are saying, “sure, love to, sounds great.”

I need to remember my mantra. One page at a time. One word at a time. One chore at a time. You cannot do everything today. Put out the biggest fire, the rest will still be burning tomorrow. No. No. No.


Thank you for listening. This too will pass. Tomorrow it won’t seem so overwhelming.

Excuse me, I need to go step on some mice.

End of venting.

Current Mood: null null


November 10, 2010 at 3:46 pm
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… for a day.

Tomorrow it’s off to Minnesota for the Days of Ice and Fire.

I am combining three days into one today. The day when I return from a long trip, relax, pet the cats, watch football, and savor being home again… the day after that, when I contemplate the piles of mail, bills, boxes, and the hundreds of emails and start feeling overwhelmed… and the day before I leave on a trip, when I run around in a mad panic trying to get ready, certain that I am about to forget something important.

After Minnesota, though, I’ll be home for the holidays… and, I hope, able to get a lot of solid work done. That’s the plan, in any case.

Minnesotans… do NOT talk to me about NFL football at Days of Ice and Fire. All my games are on TIVO, but I haven’t had the chance to watch any yet.

Current Mood: null null


Leaving Ashford

October 24, 2010 at 10:25 am
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And just in time! We’ve had a marvelous time here, but now the castle is being converted to Hogwart’s and rapidly filling up with screaming children in Harry Potter costumes. Aieeee. Run away, run away, run far away…

Current Mood: null null


A Hawking We Will Go

October 20, 2010 at 10:36 pm
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Sleeping in a castle. Spent the morning hawking. Too cool.

My head is swimming with ideas for Westeros.

One of the falconers recognized me. Even cooler.

Current Mood: null null



October 13, 2010 at 3:00 pm
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Well, I made it to Dublin. My hotel does not have a business center, so I am typing this at an internet cafe on the banks of the Liffey. BWB dinner tomorrow night, and Octocon this weekend.

The trip was gruelling, as ever. Where are the rocket planes I was promised in my youth?

Glad I’m here.

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