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Sony and THE INTERVIEW, Once More

December 20, 2014 at 11:05 am
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Discussions of North Korea, cyber war, the corporate cowardice of Sony Pictures, and THE INTERVIEW have been taking over the airwaves these past two days, and millions of words have been devoted to the issues.  I won't try to rehash them all here.

The most important words, and the truest words, were those spoken by the big man, President Obama.

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I agree with everything the President said there.

One of the most important bits, in my opinion, is toward the middle, where he talks about the chilling effect the cowardice of Sony and the big movie chains could have on other filmmakers going forward.  This is a point that very few of the talking heads on television seem to be addressing.  It is not theoretical.  THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING. The damage has already extended well beyond THE INTERVIEW itself.  Paramount, a studio that has NOT been hacked, and has NOT been threatened, has already reacted by pulling TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE from all the theatres that wanted to show it as a substitute for THE INTERVIEW.  They have made no public statement as to their reasons, but I think their reasons are plain… they are afraid of drawing down the wrath on North Korea and the hackers.   Meanwhile, New Regency and Fox — neither of them part of the Sony hack, neither of them theatened — have scrapped plans forPYONGYANG,  a Steve Carrell movie about North Korea, based on a popular graphic novle.

This a textbook example of "chilling effect."  Nothing could be more clearcut.  Not just one Seth Rogen/ James Franco ( or Flacco) movie has been impacted, but three different projects, one ten years old, one still in preproduction.

 Of course, Sony has taken issue with the president's declaration that they "made a mistake."  (A very mild way of putting it, in my opinion.)  No, no, they did not make a mistake, they are insisting, they had no choice.  Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton instead tried to shift the blame to Regal, AMC, and the other movie chains who announced that they would not not screen the film.   "We have not caved, we have not given in, we have persevered, and we haven't backed down. We have always had the desire to have the American public see this movie," Lynton said.

Sorry, but that's bullshit.  Sony did have a choice.  They still do.   They can release the film tomorrow, if they want.

Sony is correct in one regard: the big movie chains are getting off way too easy here.  All the discussion has focused on Sony, but in fact the cowardice started with Regal, with AMC, and  the other monarchs of the multiplex who decided to bow to the threats and pull THE INTERVIEW from their screens.  But for Sony to suggest that once that happened they "had no place to show the film," is disingenuous.

I have already stated that the Jean Cocteau Cinema will show THE INTERVIEW here in Santa Fe, should it be made available to us.  And yes, we're a tiny little arthouse, only 125 seats… but the crucial point is, we would not have been alone.   According to NATO (the National Association of Theatre Owners, not the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), there are 39,662 movie screens in the United States.  Regal, the largest and most powerful of the chains, has 7318 of those.  The other big chains have thousands too, but…

Do the math.  There are still THOUSANDS of screens out there not under the control of the mega-chains.  Smaller chains, regional chains, arthouses, and many many many small independent movie theatres like my own… theatres that would have jumped at the chance to show a big Christmas movie, an opportunity not often afforded them.  Regal may have been intimidated, but I don't think Alamo Drafthouse would have been.  I suspect Quention Tarantino and his New Beverly Theatre in LA would have stepped up, he's no stranger to controversy.  And there are thousands more.  So don't give us this "boo hoo, we have no choice, no one would have showed our movie" okey-doke, Sony, because it's not true.  The INDEPENDENTS would have showed your film.  We still will.  Release it, and see.

Rachel Maddow did an excellent story last night about the parallels between THE INTERVIEW case and the SATANIC VERSES incident, when Iran declared a fatwa against Salman Rushdie, threatening to kill not only the author but also his editors and publishers.  It is worth remembering that, in that case as in this, the big chains were the first to cave.  Waldenbooks, B. Daltons, and Barnes & Noble all responded by announcing that they would not be selling THE SATANIC VERSES.   But… here's the important part…Rushdie's publishers did not flinch, but stood firm for the book, the author, and the principle of free speech.  And who stood with them?  The independent bookstores.   All the shops around the corner, the specialty stores, the mom-and-pop operations came forth and said, almost as one, "We'll sell your book."  And they did, in unprecedented numbers.  THE SATANIC VERSES was a huge bestseller, not because of the chains, but in spite of them.

Maybe Regal is afraid is to show THE INTERVIEW.  The CEOs in the corporate suites are too scared by what their lawyers are whispering in their ears about potential liability.  But mom and pop have more guts, I'd bet.  Release THE INTERVIEW, Sony, and hundreds of small chains and indy theatres will snap it up all across the country.

And hey, Paramount, we'd snap up TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE as well.  So climb out from underneath your desks, and make it available for us to book. 

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Corporate Cowardice

December 17, 2014 at 9:27 pm
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This one is surreal.

 In a stunning display of corporate cowardice, Regal, AMC, and  every other major theatre chain in the United States have cancelled their plans to show the new Seth Rogen/ James Franco comedy THE INTERVIEW, because of — yes, seriously, this is not a SOUTH PARK sketch (though I expect it soon will be) —  threats from North Korea.

Not familiar with THE INTERVIEW?  Here's the trailer:

<lj-embed id=”526″ />

 I mean, really?  REALLY??  These gigantic corporations, most of which could buy North Korea with pocket change, are declining to show a film because Kim Jong-Un objects to being mocked?

 The level of corporate cowardice here astonishes me.  It's a good thing these guys weren't around when Charlie Chaplin made THE GREAT DICTATOR.  If Kim Jong-Un scares them, Adolf Hitler would have had them shitting in their smallclothes.

 Even Sony, which made the movie, is going along.  There are thousands of small independent theatres across the country, like my own, that would gladly screen THE INTERVIEW, regardless of the threats from North Korea, but instead of shifting the film to those venues, Sony has cancelled its scheduled Christmas rollout entirely.

 I haven't seen THE INTERVIEW.  I have no idea how good or bad a film it is.   It might be hilarious.  It might be stupid and offensive and outrageous. (Actually, I am pretty sure about the 'outrageous' part).  It might be all of the above.

That's not the point, though.  Whether it's the next CITIZEN KANE or the next PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, it astonishes me that a major Hollywood film could be killed before release by threats from a foreign power and anonymous hackers.

For what it's worth, the Jean Cocteau Cinema will be glad to screen THE INTERVIEW (assuming that Sony does eventually release the film for theatrical exhibition, rather than streaming it or dumping it as a direct-to-DVD release), should it be made available to us.  Come to Santa Fe, Seth, we'll show your film for you.


Not content with pulling the film, Sony has now pulled the trailers as well, so the YouTube video I embedded above no longer works.

Here's a replacement from YouTube that's dead on point:

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Banned In Turkey

November 8, 2014 at 2:45 pm
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It appears that GAME OF THRONES has been corrupting the morals of the Turkish military:

Who knew?

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One Billion Rising

January 24, 2014 at 1:20 pm
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On Wednesday (January 29), the Jean Cocteau Cinema will be hosting a special event — a reception and screening in support of One Billion Rising, a global initiative to fight violence against women and girls.

Admission is free, and all are welcome.

Come join us, and lend your support to this world-wide movement.  Causes do not get any more worthy.

(And all those attending the One Billion Rising event will also receive a group discount for the feature film we will be showing afterward, REACHING FOR THE MOON).

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“Show Us Your Papers,” the Sequel

November 6, 2012 at 3:19 pm
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It’s election day, and millions are lined up and voting from coast to coast.

And even now, the radical right is doing its best to deny the vote to folks they think might vote the wrong way. Reports of voter harassment are coming in from Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Florida and other swing states of self-appointed “poll watchers” lurking outside polling places and demanding to see the ID cards of people waiting to vote. A disproportionate number of those that they are targeting, of course, are black and Latino voters.

The folks doing this are from a Tea Party linked organization that calls itself “True the Vote.” If truth in advertising laws applied, they should more properly call themselves “Suppress the Vote.”

But don’t take my word for it. Here are some news stories:

These folks, FWIW, have no right whatsover to demand anyone’s ID. They are just trying to intimidate people, to scare them away from exercising their franchise. The Voter ID laws I wrote about in my earlier “Show Us Your Papers” post (below) have largely been struck down by the courts. If you’re a registered voter, you have the right to cast your ballot.

If ANYONE tries to stop you from voting, call 866-OUR-VOTE for help. They’re a nonpartisan voting rights organization dedicated to making sure no one is denied their rights.

I guess we will find out tonight how well voter suppression works… “not at all well” would be my hope, in the country I love.

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One Day to Go

November 5, 2012 at 10:02 am
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The presidential election is one day away, and both campaigns are going all out.

Must admit, I am nervous about this one. All the polls say that Obama will win, but I never trust polls. I was born the year that Dewey defeated Truman, after all. And the Washington Redskins lost yesterday, an unfortunate omen. Yes, I know, it’s a silly superstition, but as a predictor, the Redskins have a better record than Gallup does.

The voting in Florida is already a mess. Despite having lost several court cases since I made my “voter suppression” post a few months back, Republicans in Florida, Ohio, and several other key states keep coming up with nasty new ways to try to keep black people, brown people, college kids, and retirees from voting. “If you can’t win their support, just disenfranchise them” seems to have become the new GOP slogan in the swing states.

The election may very well turn on the success or failure of Romney’s Big Lie push in Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Yes, I am talking about the Jeep ad. It still boggles me that the Republicans are continuing to run that ad, even after both GM and Chrysler have come out to say how false it is. “When caught lying, lie LOUDER,” seems to be the philosophy.

Well, there’s lots more I can say… but nothing that those of you who are paying attention have not heard before.

Whenever I make one of these political posts, I always get a rush of emails. Lots of “right on, you said it, I agree” mails from those who share my views, a couple of reasoned and thoughtful dissents (which I value), and a handful of “I am never going to read your books again” screeds. (Those last just make me sad. Not because I have lost a reader, but because such people seem deliberately intent on closing their eyes and shutting down their minds. I grew up reading Robert A. Heinlein, after all, and still have been known to read works by Orson Scott Card, Dan Simmons, Larry Niven, and others whose political views are worlds away from my own. It’s GOOD to read things that challenge your own opinions and preconceptions… or so I have always believed…. ) All of which has become fairly predictable, I fear. But supposedly there are still some undecided voters vote there, and if my posts here can sway even one or two of them into voting for the president, then it’s worth the vitriol.

Anyway… be sure and vote tomorrow… and if anyone tries to stop you or obstruct you, scream long and loud.

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Save the Bird

October 7, 2012 at 5:20 pm
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‘Nuff Said.

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“Show Us Your Papers”

August 11, 2012 at 3:46 pm
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I am way too busy these days for long political rants.

But I would be remiss if I do not at least make passing mention of how depressed, disgusted, and, yes, angry I’ve become as I watch the ongoing attempts at voter suppression in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa, and other states where Republicans and their Teabagger allies control key seats of power.

It is one thing to attempt to win elections. But trying to do so by denying the most basic and important right of any American citizen to hundreds and thousands of people, on entirely spurious grounds… that goes beyond reprehensible. That is despicable.

It would really be nice if there were still some Republicans of conscience out there who would stand up and loudly denounce these efforts, a few men of honor and integrity for whom “win the election” does not “win the election at any cost.” There were once many Republicans I admired, even I disagreed with them: men like Everett Dirksen, Clifford Case, Henry Cabot Lodge, William Scranton… yes, even Barry Goldwater, conservative as he is. I do not believe for a moment that Goldwater would have approved of this, any more than Robert A. Heinlein would have. They were conservatives, but they were not bigots, nor racists, nor corrupt. The Vote Suppressors have far more in common with Lester Maddox, George Wallace, John Stennis, and their ilk than they do with their distinguished GOP forebears.

The people behind these efforts at disenfranchising large groups of voters (the young, the old, the black, the brown) are not Republicans, since clearly they have scant regard for our republic or its values. They are oligarchs and racists clad in the skins of dead elephants.

And don’t tell me they are libertarians either. No true libertarians would ever support a culture where citizens must “show their papers” to vote or travel. That’s a hallmark of a police state, not a free country.

TUESDAY ADDENDUM: Okay, this has been running several days now, has been featured on HUFFINGTON POST and ABC news, referenced on Stephanie Miller, and no doubt countless other people. We have had four hundred messages, and I think everyone has had their say, and everything that needs to be said has been said. Generally eight or ten times. There are plenty of links and references in the comment threads for those who would like to know more about these voter suppression efforts. If you don’t want to dig through the links, start with the Brennan Center for Justice and get the facts.

There’s no sense in letting this spin on in circles forever. I am locking comments. Back to Westeros and worldcon and similar subjects, boys and girls.

Thanks for listening.

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Should Math Be Taught in Schools?

July 4, 2011 at 7:12 pm
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((Sad to say, this parody is hardly exaggerated at all. A few of the answers are almost verbatim to the actual answers of the Miss USA contestants to “Should Evolution Be Taught in Schools.” Go watch that video on YouTube and see for yourself)).

(((There are days I think I am living in the world of Kornbluth’s “Marching Morons.” Just look at reality TV, and remember the hit show in his story)))

(((I am vastly pleased that the eventual Miss USA winner, and GAME OF THRONES fan, does “believe in evolution.” And presuambly in math as well))).

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Deja Vu

July 22, 2010 at 2:05 pm
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So I accidentally bumped into this on YouTube:

I came away feeling I had seen this before. Or something very similar.

I had:

Have to admit, this sent a cold chill up my spine.

Deja vu can be a bitch.

Or, as someone famous once said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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