Max Headroom visits Meow Wolf.
Could anything be cooler?
We had a great time last week when H.P. Lovecraft returned from the grave to visit us here in the Land of Yig Enchantment.
If you missed it — shame on you — well, it turns out that HPL recorded a couple of segments of his “Ask Lovecraft” YouTube series while he was here in town.
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Seeing HPL at Meow Wolf was especially fun, since there are a couple of… ahem… decidedly Lovecraftian touches to be found in the House of Eternal Return.
If you ever get a chance to see Leeman Kessler perform as HPL, do catch him. It’s the next best thing to a shuggoth on your doorstep.
Meow Wolf celebrates its first anniversary today.
What an amazing year it’s been.
When we opened on March 18, 2016, the hope was that we would draw 100,000 visitors to the attraction annually. Instead Meow Wolf drew more than 400,000 visitors during its first year, and became one of Santa Fe’s leading attractions, revitalizing an entire neighborhood.
If you haven’t been yet, you really don’t know what you’re missing.
And rest assured… the best is yet to come.
Just wanted to give the locals… and anyone passing through the Land of Enchantment… the heads up that Meow Wolf is open again. The attraction was closed from January 17 to February 1, alas, but for all the best reasons. Not content to rest on their (by now considerable) laurels, the amazing Meow Wolf collective decided to make the House of Eternal Return even cooler by adding some new rooms and revamping some old ones. So now there are even more secrets to uncover and portals to explore.
Come check it out.
It’s been an amazing year for Meow Wolf, by the way… less than a year, actually, since we’re still a month and a half shy of our first anniversary. You always hope for success when starting any new project, and when the project is as new and different and creative as this one, you cross your fingers and mutter a prayer to whatever deities you believe in. A year ago, as the Meow Wolf artists were madly pushing to finish everything before the scheduled opening, the hope was that we would be able to draw 100,000 visitors to the attraction every year. If we managed 150,000, that would have been occasion for celebration. Well, Meow Wolf hit that mark within the first three months, and by now, some ten and a half months since the opening, more than 400,000 people have visited the House of Eternal Return.
If you’re not one of them, hey, you don’t know what you’re missing. Meow Wolf has become the most Instagramed place in New Mexico, surpassing even White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. And the reviews on TripAdvisor and Yelp will blow your mind.
There has been all sorts of incredible recognition as well, even beyond the excitement and pleasure of all our visitors (especially the kids). In November, Meow Wolf won a THEA Award from the Themed Entertainment Association. https://meowwolf.com/2016/11/meow-wolf-wins-thea-award/ They will be collecting that in April at Disneyland. And the American Institute of Architects in Santa Fe voted Meow Wolf an award as well, for its fusion of art and architecture. http://www.aiasantafe.org/2016
It pleases me to observe that Meow Wolf is also reaching out to help other artists. Most recently, in the wake of the tragic Ghost Ship fire in Oakland that claimed the lives of 36 people, Meow Wolf has announced a hundred thousand dollar fund to help DIY (Do It Yourself) art and music spaces improve their venues and bring them up to code, so that horrors like the Oakland fire need never recur http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/news/2016/12/13/meow-wolf-starts-fund-for-diy-artists-in-response.html (And in case you are wondering, the defunct bowling alley that houses Meow Wolf was brought completely up to code before opening, and is inspected regularly. In fact, the fire marshall was there two days ago, when I last visited, testing the ear-splitting fire alarm. There are smoke alarms all over the House of Eternal Return, much of it is fireproofed, and all of it is sprinklered. Wonders are wonderful, but we did all we could to put safety first).
All this success, all this coolness, all this good work… I can’t take credit for any of it, really. I am just the landlord. But I am proud to be associated with it. The artists and creators of Meow Wolf are an incredible bunch of people, and they’ve made Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the world a better place with their energy, imagination, and hard work.
And the best part is, they’ve just begun. Denver, Austin, Los Angeles, watch out for spiders and giant robots, you never know what might turn up on your doorstep.
Meow Wolf opened “The House of Eternal Return” with a roar and a bang last week.
We had a “small” (hoo hah) friends and family ‘soft opening’ on Wednesday. On Thursday was the Grand VIP Gala. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the doors opened to the public for the first time. Amanda Palmer, Jason Webley, and the Handsome Family played. Wonders were unveiled, caves and treehouses and haunted mansions and space gates explored, refrigerators opened…
The reviews, I am thrilled to say, were uniformly raves. Here’s a few:
I am told that 5500 hundred people visited the House on its opening weekend. Most of them went away smiling… especially the kids, who loved the place… but there’s plenty there for adults to enjoy as well.
Our hope is that Meow Wolf and the House of Eternal Return will be one of Santa Fe’s premiere attractions for many, many years to come. Come visit when you’re in town. I promise you, you’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Things are getting exciting here in Santa Fe.
Fourteen months in the making, the House of Eternal Return opens this week!!
The big VIP Gala will launch things, on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.
And on the weekend of March 18/19, the doors will open to the public for the first time.
(Right now, I imagine, hundreds of artists are madly crawling over the place, finishing every little last detail).
Tickets are still available, if you’re going to be in the neighborhood.
Come join us! You’ve never seen anything like it.
Meow Wolf’s opening weekend approaches. The gala will be on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, and the doors will open to the public for the first time on March 18 and 19.
And now the word is spreading beyond the borders of the Land of Enchantment.
The LA TIMES came to visit a few weeks ago. Here’s their story:
Go to the Meow Wolf website at https://meowwolf.com/ to reserve tickets and have a look at their calendar of upcoming events.
This week’s PASATIEMPO had a great update on the work going on with Meow Wolf and their House of Eternal Return.
Here’s the link, for them what’s interested:
My Lost Post also contained some reports on the other projects I’m involved with here in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Biggest one is Meow Wolf’s ongoing transformation of the Silva Lanes, a derelict bowling alley, into a fantastic interactive art exhibit called the House of Eternal Return. I bought the bowling alley last January, and construction has been ongoing ever since. Of course, we’re behind schedule. Originally hoped to open in September. Then November. Then January.
Now it’s March, but March is looking solid. And really, boys and girls, if you pass through New Mexico any time this century, you will really want to stop and visit the House of Eternal Return. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Besides, we have a giant robot and a giant spider in the parking lot.
Rather than recap, let me just link to all my previous blog posts about Meow Wolf. That should catch everyone up well enough.
Besides Silva Lanes, my other ongoing project is Dragonstone Studios, the former Desert Academy prep school that we’ve been converting to artist studios and offices. Work is still ongoing there (and way behind schedule, like everything else I am connected with, it seems), and there’s less to say since this is not intended for the public… but the building has been filling up nicely with artists, a real creative community seems to be developing, and I’m stoked.
There’s also some cool stuff going on down in Candy Kitchen, New Mexico at the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. But more on that in the future, when the work is done.
And there’s something else… but no, can’t talk about that one yet…
I love Santa Fe, and it pleases me no end that I am able to given something back to the community that has nurtured me since 1979.
My friends at Meow Wolf have officially set a date for the opening of their amazing innovative interactive art-and-adventure exhibit, the House of Eternal Return.
Mark it down on your calendars, ladies and gents and children of all ages. The House will kick things off with a spectacular VIP GALA on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. The following weekend, March 18-20, Meow Wolf will officially open to the public. All down on Rufina Circle, inside the former Silva Lanes.
There are going to be all sorts of astonishing extras, and we expect sellout crowd for that first opening weekend. So if you want to join the fun, reserve your tickets now: https://meowwolf.com/product-category/exhibition-tickets/