Not a Blog

Coming at the Cocteau

October 31, 2013 at 3:56 pm
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Even though I'm going a little nuts getting ready for the trip to Australia and New Zealand, my crack team at the Jean Cocteau is carrying on as usual.

THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS and ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW wrap up today, so if you've been meaning to see those, this is your last chance.  We're holding over THE WICKER MAN for another week.  We're also holding over ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN for two more weekend matinees, since Bud and Lou and the monsters have been filling the hall.  Kids under twelve STILL free for Abbott & Costello.

And we have some cool stuff coming up tonight for Halloween — in cooperation with the Santa Fe Film Festival, we're screening a restored 3D print of the Vincent Price horror classic, HOUSE OF WAX, one night only, and starting a late night run of (yes!) THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW.  Costume contests for both, with prizes.

Two new movies debut tomorrow, one old and one new.  The new film is a quirky new SF movie from Magnolia called MR. NOBODY.  Take a look:

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The old film is an indy classic, KING OF HEARTS, where the inmates really do take over the asylum.  Like this:

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Seeing as how I'm plugging our coming attractions, I want to mention one more for all my gamer friends, since I'll be travelling in Australia when it screens and might not get to mention it elsewise.  Starting on Friday, November  8, we will be showing the RPG dramedy ZERO CHARISMA:

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We're going to be offering a special 1d6 discount on all ZERO CHARISMA admissions. That's right.  We'll have a six-sided die at the Cocteau box office, so when you turn up for the movie, ask for a roll, and you'll get somewhere between one buck and six bucks off the cost of admission… depending, of course, on how well you roll.  (We did consider using a d20, but then we would have ended up owing YOU money).

See you at the movies.

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Kids Free at the Cocteau

October 25, 2013 at 7:49 pm
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The film we're offering is a classic… a great comedy, and a terrific horror film… ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN.

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If you can't make tomorrow's debut, we'll be showing the film again on Sunday (27th) and Thursday (the 31st) at 2:00 pm.  Children under twelve will be admitted free to those showings as well.

For grown-up fans of Bud and Lou, like me, we've also scheduled an evening showing on Tuesday (29th) at 8:30.  Kids are welcome at that one too, if it's not past their bedtimes, but they have to pay like everyone else.

In honor of Halloween week, we have a full slate of fun monster and horror flicks.  WICKER MAN and ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW have both been held over, we debuted THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS tonight, we have ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW coming up on Halloween night, and we have a special one-time only screening of the original HOUSE OF WAX 3D, starring Vincent Price.  More on that one later.

See you at the movies.

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For Lovecraft Fans

October 24, 2013 at 7:05 pm
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We've got a great lineup of scary stuff coming up for Halloween at the Jean Cocteau Cinema.

Including a real treat for H.P. Lovecraft fans (like me):


This small-budget thrilled was made by the H.P. Lovecraft Society, and Cthulhu aficionados are giving it high marks.

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The Whispering begins on Friday.

See you at the movies!

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The Guild Comes to the Cocteau

October 21, 2013 at 11:39 am
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Tonight's the night: Felicia Day's wildly popular webseries THE GUILD begins its four-day marathon at the Jean Cocteau in Santa Fe.


We've changed the screening schedule a bit since I first announced this event, downstream.

Seasons one and two will be shown tonight (Monday, Oct 21), starting at 6:20.

Season three is on tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct 22).

Season four will be screened on Wednesday (October 23).

And we wind up on Thursday (October 24) with seasons five and six.

Admission to each show will be ten bucks, same as an ordinary movie.  (The usual discounts apply).  But we're also offering a $30 ticket for all four nights.

Best of all, after each showing, members of the Guild cast will be visiting with us via Skype… from Hollywood, Fantasyland, the Game, or wherever they may be.  Felicia Day herself will be joining us on Thursday.

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TREND on the Cocteau

October 19, 2013 at 6:29 pm
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New Mexico's TREND magazine has a nice feature on the reborn Jean Cocteau Cinema in this month's issue.

You can check out the article (and some cool pictures) on line at

TREND is an architecture and style magazine, so understandably they gave a lot of ink to the architect who designed the original interior when the Collective Fantasy was reborn as the Cocteau in 1984.  That was well deserved.  I do wish, however, that they had also mentioned Jayne Franck, who did the redesign of our cafe area, including a wonderful reimagining of the concessions area with our stunning glass brick candy counter.  Jayne is off studying in Cambridge England just now, but she deserves a hand of applause so loud it could be heard even across oceans.

Still, a nice piece… it's great to know the theatre is still so beloved by the Santa Fe community.

This week, by the way, we are helping to host the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival (along with the Lensic, the CCA, and the Screen), one of Santa Fe's two major film fests.  A great lineup of movies is on offer.  If you're around, come, support the festival, see some movies.

In between the festival entries, we're also running two great fun fantasy/ horror films, one old and one very new: a newly restored and director approved print of the British classic THE WICKER MAN (with Edward Woodward, not Nicholas Cage, thank you), and the movie that the Mouse does not want you to see, ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW.

Here's a taste:

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See you at the movies!

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Coming to the Cocteau

October 4, 2013 at 1:04 pm
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I don't have full details on these yet… and tickets are not yet being offering for presale… but we have some exciting future events coming up at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, and I wanted to give my Not A Blog readers a little heads up about what's coming.

First up: October 21 to 24, we have a special four day marathon of all six seasons of Felicia Day's wonderful webseries THE GUILD.


Is this the first time THE GUILD has been shown the big (ish) screen?  Dunno.  It will be the first time in New Mexico for sure.  We'll screen the first and second seasons on October 21, the third and fourth seasons on October 22, the fifth and sixth on October 23… and on October 24, for those who dare, we will show all six seasons at once.  What's more, Felicia Day and other cast members will be weighing in from fantasyland via Skype to talk with audience members and answer their questions.

Then, on November 9, we have another live music event — an evening's entertainment from Paul and Storm.


You'll all remember Paul and Storm, I'm sure.  "Write Like the Wind," and all that.  I had to smash their guitar to splinters at W00tstock this summer, but I hear they got a new one.  They're touring the United States… or maybe fleeing to get away from their creditors… but in any case, they are coming to Santa Fe, and we'll have them.  So come hear them sing.  I understand they have other songs that have nothing to do with me.  🙂

Next up will be another great author event.  On December 2 we'll be hosting PAT CONROY, bestselling author of PRINCE OF TIDES, THE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE, THE WATER IS WIDE (filmed as CONRACK, with Jon Voight), THE GREAT SANTINI, and many other terrific novels.


I've never met Pay Conroy, but he's been one of my favorite living novelists for a long, long time, so I am really looking forward to this.   I'll be doing an interview/ conversation with Pat, and he may read a bit from his new book, after which we will adjourn to the concessions area for autographing.  Rest assured, we will have plenty of his books on hand for you to get signed.  It should be another great evening.

So:  October 21-24, November 9, December 2.  Mark them down on your calendars.   I will let you know when tickets go on sale.  As with the Michael Chabon and Neil Gaiman/ Amanda Palmer events, we expect to sell out, so reserve your places early.

And for advance word about these, and other offerings at the Cocteau, sign up for our email newsletter at

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Tonight at the Cocteau

October 4, 2013 at 10:14 am
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Two new… and very different… films will open at the Jean Cocteau tonight.

TOUCHY-FEELY tells the story of a massage therapist and her family.

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And EXTRATERRESTIAL is our first Spanish language titles.  (Subtitled for English speakers).  Santa Fe, like Northern New Mexico in general, has a large Hispanic population, but very few of the local theatres ever show movies in Spanish, so we are hoping to make that a regular part of the mix.  ANd not just Spanish art films either, the kind that get entered at Cannes and compete for "Best Foreign Film" Oscars, but genre flicks as well.  EXTRATERRESTIAL comes to us from the Spanish director Nacho Vigolondo, who has been described as "the Woody Allen of science fiction."   Looks like fun.

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So if you're in Santa Fe… or Albuqueruqe, or Taos, or Espanola, or wherever… drop by and join us.

You can even pick up some signed Neil Gaiman books while you're here.  While the supply lasts.

(We have my own books too.  The supply of those will last forever).

And don't forget our midnight movie, SPIDER BABY.  Previews for that one several posts below.  Shows start at 11pm.

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Hot Night on Montezuma

October 2, 2013 at 10:20 am
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The Neil and Amanda Show last Sunday night was a great success.  (Sorry if you missed it).

Neil Gaiman read stories, Amanda Palmer sang her hits and played her ukelele, and from time to time the they did duets.  They opened the night with a memorable version of "Makin' Whoopee" and Amanda closed it with "The Ukelele Song," bringing the whole audience to its feet.   After the concert Amanda and Neil adjoined to the concessions lobby to sign books and CDs… and sign, and sign, and sign.  Strong wrists, those two.  And good hearts.


Every seat was filled.  No surprise there.  The concert sold out within hours of our announcing it.  "I need a larger theatre," as I wrote to Neil and Amanda, after tickets had been on sale for a few hours, "at least when you two come to town."

All box receipts went to two worthy Santa Fe charities, Warehouse 21 and the Food Depot.   Warehouse 21 works with local youth, while the Food Depot feeds the homeless and the hungry.  The concert raised more than $9000, which will be split between them.  To find out more about their work, go here and here    And CONTRIBUTE!

Neil and Amanda regularly fill large halls and auditoriums with thousands of fans.  It was incredibly kind of them to take time out of their busy schedule to visit Santa Fe and play our modest venue.  Though I am delighted to report that they thought the Jean Cocteau was cool.  (It is).


For those locals who could not get tickets to the show (sorry for that, they sold out very quickly)… well, Neil signed large stacks of his books and comics for us before he took off, and we have Amanda's CDs in stock as well.  So drop by the Jean Cocteau at 418 Montezuma, and you too can score an autographed Neil Gaiman book, or the latest CD from Amanda.  But come soon… stocks are limited.

(We also have a handful of signed copies of Michael Chabon's KAVALIER AND CLAY left, from his visit here, as well as autographed copies of many of my own books).

(Sorry, we are not set up to do mail orders)

Lots more cool stuff coming up at the Cocteau: movies, author appearances and booksignings, live music, magic, comedy.  If you want to keep on top of that, signed up for our weekly email newsletter.  It's free.  Go here:

See you at the movies!

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More Midnight Madness

September 29, 2013 at 9:37 am
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Midnight starts at 11 pm every Friday and Saturday night at the Jean Cocteau.

This week we have another horror… ah… "classic"… coming up, for all of you who loved PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE and THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILLS.

Yes, it's SPIDER BABY!

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See you at the movies!

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Emergo Is Coming

September 16, 2013 at 7:34 pm
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… to the Jean Cocteau.

 Our midnight show (starting at 11pm) this Friday and Saturday will be William Castle's HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL.

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Do you dare enter?

(I would, but I have to go to the Emmys.  Darn).

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