Not a Blog

A Visit From Jimmy…

February 14, 2017 at 1:49 pm
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… or, Leviathan Shows Up. Eventually.

We had a fun afternoon at the JCC with Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. You shoulda been there. They talked, they answered questions, they signed books, they swilled down the Protomolecule.

For those who could not make it, we have hardcover copies of BABYLON’S ASHES signed by both halves of James S.A. Corey available through the Jean Cocteau website. Along with the earlier books in the Expanse series, plus Daniel’s solo fantasies THE DAGGER AND THE COIN, and various cool Wild Cards titles autographed by one or t’other of them, along with yours truly and various and sundry other Wild Cards writers.

These titles and many others available from the JCC.

Happy reading.

Jimmy Is Coming

February 11, 2017 at 10:51 am
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Come join us at the Jean Cocteau tomorrow.

James S.A. Corey — that famous two-headed science fiction writer, otherwise known as Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck — will be on hand at 1 pm to talk about his/ their latest installment in the Expanse series, BABYLON’S ASHES. And of course he/ they will be scribbling in books afterwards.

The fun starts at 1pm. Admission is free with the purchase of a hardcover book, $5 with the purchase of a paperback, and $10 without book purchase. You can call ahead and reserve a book if you like, and I do advise it; stocks are limited.

Daniel and Ty are also Wild Cards contributors (though Jimmy is not), the creators, respectively, of Jonathan Hive (Bugsy) on the one hand, and Tinkerbill and Horrorshow on t’other. And of course we’ll have piles of Wild Cards titles on hand for them to sign as well, along with the earlier books in the Expanse sequence, and lots of Daniel’s solo fantasy novels.

For what it’s worth, I loved BABYLON’S ASHES. One of the best Expanse books yet, and a novel that will certainly be on my own Hugo nomination ballot. If there’s any justice at all, it ought to be a finalist this year.

Might also mention that we have lots of other great guests and special events coming up at the JCC in the weeks and months to come. Comedian CARLOS MEDINA will be here on Tuesday, February 14, if you’d like to spend Valentine’s Day laughing. On March 13, Joe R. Lansdale His Own Self will be returning for a special screening of the second season of HAP & LEONARD… and of course to sign some of His Own Books as well. Further down the road, we’re expecting visits from JOHN NICHOLS and from TERRY BROOKS (not the same night, no), dates and details to come. And yes, we have MAX HEADROOM and H.P. LOVECRAFT coming as well! Visit the JCC website at and sign up for our newsletter and e-mail blasts, and you’ll never need to miss one of our special events.

See you at the movies.

Carrie, Carrie, Carrie

January 29, 2017 at 4:53 pm
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We had a fun afternoon with Carrie Vaughn today at the Jean Cocteau. Talked about new book, MARTIANS ABROAD, about Old Mars and New Mars and Podkayne and Heinlein, about her bestselling Kitty Norville series, about her contributions to Wild Cards.

If you missed it, have no fear. We taped it, and plan to upload a streaming video soon.

Before she left, of course, we made her sign lots and lots of books for us, so if you’re looking for an autographed copy of MARTIANS ABROAD or any of her earlier books, or a hardcover of INSIDE STRAIGHT signed by both Carrie and yours truly, you need look no further than the JCC bookshop.

Check out these and other signed books at

Carrie Is Coming…

January 23, 2017 at 2:28 pm
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… back to the Jean Cocteau.

Colorado’s own Carrie Vaughn, one of our favorite people, will be returning to New Mexico on Sunday for an author event at the Jean Cocteau. We’ll do doing an interview and a Q&A, and Carrie will be signing copies of her new novel, MARTIANS ABROAD.

We’ll also have plenty of copies of Carrie’s Kitty Norville series on hand for autographing, as well as all the Wild Cards books that she has contributed to. (Her Wild Cards characters include Curveball, Earth Witch, Rikki, and Wild Fox).

The fun starts on Sunday at 1:00pm. Come join us, in you’re in the vicinity of Santa Fe. And if you’re not, you can still get a signed book by mailorder through the JCC website.

Two Weeks Till Xmas

December 10, 2016 at 12:37 pm
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Only two weeks left till Christmas.

Plenty of shopping days left… unless you were planning to snag some autographed books from the Jean Cocteau Cinema bookshop. To get the books there in time for the holiday, you’ll either need to order soon, or else (less desirable) pay extra for overnight shipping.

We still have plenty of great signed books available as gifts. My own books, and those by many of the other writers who have appeared at the JCC. The WILD CARDS books and many of the other anthologies have multiple signatures.

Lots more titles to be found at

Happy reading. Happy giving.

Black Friday Books

November 25, 2016 at 3:41 pm
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It is Black Friday, the day when Christmas shopping begins in earnest.

So let me say again: books make great Christmas presents, and autographed books are even better. Being hard to fine and all.

We have a great selection at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, including two very special Anniversay Editions. The GAME OF THRONES anniversary hardcover, signed by yours truly, and the OUTLANDER anniversary edition, autographed by Diana Gabaldon.

And if anniversary editions are not your thing, we’ve got all sorts of other signed books as well. Here are just a few of those.

For these, and many other titles, head to

And yes, the JCC does now accept international orders… but you’ll need to act soon (or pay a lot more) to get the books there by Christmas.

Xmas Shopping?

November 23, 2016 at 12:48 pm
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Books make great Christmas presents.

Autographed books are even more special.

Here are a few of the signed books we have available at the Jean Cocteau Bookstore.

There are lots more. For the full list, go to

(Some of the anthologies have multiple autographs).

Hey, and meanwhile… hope everyone has a great Turkey Day tomorrow.

Odds, Ends, Fun Stuff

November 10, 2016 at 4:49 pm
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Lots of gloom and doom around, but today I just want to burble about good stuff, the little things that make life worth living. Books, movies, TV shows, friends, fun.

Let me start with television. How many of you have been watching HBO’s big new drama WESTWORLD? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s intriguing. The old Yul Brynner / Michael Crichton movie was just the seed, this one goes way way way beyond that. It’s gorgeous to look at, and the writing and acting and directing are all first rate. And hey, how many of you spotted Yul in last week’s episode?

I am also watching the two new time travel shows, TIMELESS and FREQUENCY, mainly because I am an SF geek who loves time travel yarns. FREQUENCY is based on the film of the same title, one of the very best treatments of time paradoxes and the butterfly effect I’ve ever seen. The show started out strong as well, though lately, I don’t know, I worry that it’s spinning its wheels. I don’t mind that they changed the present day character from a man to a woman, I only mind a little that they changed the past character from a fireman to a cop… but I hate that they lost the Amazin’ Mets, one of the great parts of the movie.

On other fronts, we hope to have a brand new official Wild Cards website up soon. Watch this space for further details. My crack staff of minions and ogres are revamping and updating the Jean Cocteau website as well.

We had a great event with Emily St. John Mandel at the JCC on Monday night, before Black Tuesday. What a delightful person, and what an amazing writer. If you haven’t read her STATION ELEVEN yet, grab yourself a signed copy from the JCC Bookshop, it’s a brilliant book. We also have autographed copies of her first three novels, which I mean to check out myself.

This weekend the JCC will host the magic of George Tovar. Tickets available from our website. We could all use more magic in our lives about now.

I won’t be able to see the show myself, alas, since I will be in Tucson for Tuscon, where I am Guest of Honor. If you have a ticket, I will see you there. If you don’t, alas, I can’t tell you where to get one; they have been sold out for months. (This whole idea of SF cons selling out is strange to an old phan like me). I have been cutting way back on my travel lately but Tuscon has been on my schedule for several years. It’s my last convention for 2016… though next month I will be flying to Mexico for the Guadalajara Book Fair, which has been booked even longer. Tuscon should be fun; I am looking forward to spending some quality time with old friends, and to making some new ones. And yes, I’ll be signing books there. Lots and lots of books.

Latest fun read: the new Melinda Snodgrass novel THE HIGH GROUND, first volume of her space opera series. Space cadets! This is her best work yet, I think. Looking forward to the next. Next up is the new Lisa Tuttle, THE SOMNAMBULIST AND THE PSYCHIC THIEF, a Victorian supernatural mystery featuring the two characters she originally introduced in stories for a couple of my anthologies.

At the Jean Cocteau

November 5, 2016 at 1:20 pm
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TRUMPLAND opened yesterday at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, playing to large and enthusiastic crowds. Whatever you may think of Michael Moore or his politics, he’s never less than entertaining. He makes some great political points in TRUMPLAND, but even if you disagree with every one of those, there are a lot of laughs as well. We’re the only theatre in New Mexico showing the film and we’ll be running it through the election, so do come down and catch it if you can.

We do have one break in the TRUMPLAND screening schedule, however. Come Monday night, we’re having another one of our famous author events. This time the JCC is honored to be hosting EMILY ST. JOHN MANDEL, the best-selling author of STATION ELEVEN and other acclaimed novels.

I’ll be doing an interview with Emily, followed by an audience Q&A, and of course a signing. We should have all of her earlier novels in stock, as well as the new paperback of STATION ELEVEN.

Emily St. John Mandel is one writer that I’ve never met before, but I’m very excited that I will have a chance to talk with her. STATION ELEVEN just blew me away when I read it, a few years ago. Actually, it was the best novel I read that year (2014), and I was hoping it might be a Hugo contender, as regular readers of the Not A Blog might remember. I wrote, “One of the 2014 books that I did read stands above all the others, however: STATION ELEVEN, by Emily St. John Mandel. As best I can recall, I’ve never met Emily St. John Mandel, and I’ve never read anything else by her, but I won’t soon forget STATION ELEVEN. One could, I suppose, call it a post-apocalypse novel, and it is that, but all the usual tropes of that subgenre are missing here, and half the book is devoted to flashbacks to before the coming of the virus that wipes out the world, so it’s also a novel of character, and there’s this thread about a comic book and Doctor Eleven and a giant space station and… oh, well, this book should NOT have worked, but it does. It’s a deeply melancholy novel, but beautifully written, and wonderfully elegiac… a book that I will long remember, and return to.”

((Sadly, no, STATION ELEVEN did not get a Hugo nomination. The reports of my vast power and iuence within the field seem to be greatly exaggerated. So far as I can tell, my effect on the Hugo nominations is exactly nil. But I’ll keep recommending good stuff anyway. I’m stubborn)).

Anyway… if you’re here in the Land of Enchantment, come down and join us on Monday night and meet Emily St. John Mandel. And if you’re not, well, autographed copies will be available afterwards for mail order. Of her books, my books, books by all the great authors we’ve hosted. (Depending on what happens on Tuesday, we may remember Monday night as the last good time before the lights began to go out. Though I hope not).

Tickets to both TRUMPLAND and Emily St. John Mandel are available on the Jean Cocteau website:

Now On Sale

October 28, 2016 at 12:19 pm
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The 20th Anniversary edition of A GAME OF THRONES, with all of its gorgeous art, is now on sale everywhere, I’m pleased to say.

You should be able to find it at your local bookstore, if you’re one of the folks who is lucky enough to have a local bookstore.

If not, it is of course available from all the usual online booksellers.

You can find it at:

Or any one of hundreds of independent bookstores or B&N outlets. Just find your favorite.

And if you’re looking for an autographed copies, those are available too, from the Jean Cocteau Cinema Bookstore: