… and a bunch to go.
Watched the Jets/ Vikings game last night. The one played while I was flying off to Dublin. Thank you, Brett, for that last interception. I was sweating it for a few minutes there.
(All the games after that one are still unplayed as far as I’m concerned, so no spoilers please).
Oh, people are asking about the two actors quarreling in Belfast. Yes, it’s true. Saxon, who plays Nymeria, seems to have taken a dislike to Cooper, who plays Ghost, and when the two of them were off their leashes at the same time, well… but no one was seriously harmed.
On other fronts, look for SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH and WILD CARDS, volume one at your local bookstore. Both should be on the racks soon. More when I get back.
Oh, and check out the Villains Tourney at Suvudu, where Ser Gregor Clegane has been battling for his life whilst I was overseas, slaying all manner of other dastards. But he needs your help if he is going to prevail.
Off to Minnesota in an hour.
Oh, and for those of you who can’t make the FFG event, I will also be signing at the Barnes & Noble in Roseville, MN on Monday night:
If it’s a choice, though, the Days of Ice & Fire event will offer a lot more chance to hang and talk than the store signing. I’ll be reading a chapter from DANCE at the FFG event too.
Current Mood: null