Okay, for those of you who missed “Inside GAME OF THRONES,” here’s the YouTube version for your viewing pleasure.
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Enjoy. And tell your friends.
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Okay, for those of you who missed “Inside GAME OF THRONES,” here’s the YouTube version for your viewing pleasure.
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Enjoy. And tell your friends.
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… for a fifteen-minute “Making of GAME OF THRONES” special on HBO.
It is scheduled to debut immediately before the season finale of BOARDWALK EMPIRE. The time on that will vary depending on your time zone.
Enjoy… and stick around afterward for BOARDWALK EMPIRE, which I’ve just caught up on this past week. Another terrific show from HBO.
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The Sunday night preview ran just before the latest episode of BOARDWALK EMPIRE. If you missed it, it can now be viewed on HBO’s GAME OF THRONES site:
And here’s the same trailer, in its YouTube version:
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And the G-Men won too. What a day…
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For those for you who were not watching HBO tonight (Saturday) here’s the teaser you missed:
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More coming soon. Like real soon. Like tomorrow (Sunday), just before the 8pm (eastern time) movie. So tune in ten minutes early to catch a new promo.
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Hiya, kids. Heh, heh, heh.
Olivier as Big Daddy? Well, no, but sort of. Dunk found him annoying. Harry had dealings with him, Jason with a namesake. He’s done Dickens, Shakespeare, Thackeray, Chaucer, and Pratchett, and might have run into our dog as well.
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All of you waiting eagerly for every tidbit of news about the HBO series of GAME OF THRONES, be sure not to miss this week’s issue of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, which features a “first look” at the show, with ten exclusive photographs from the set.
The issue is now on sale across the nation at newsstands and bookstores. But grab a copy soon, it may not be there long.
Be warned, the text does contain spoilers for those who have not read the book.
The EW website also features some of same pix at
so check that out as well. However, the print edition of the magazine includes some extra pictures that the website does not.
Hope you all enjoy your “set visits” as much as I enjoyed mine.
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FWIW, the feature that preceded us in Belfast’s Paint Hall — the medieval comedy YOUR HIGHNESS — now has trailers out on YouTube.
Here’s the longer, raunchier one, for them what like such stuff.
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If you look closely at some of the backgrounds, you’ll catch some glimpses of a throne room… the very one that eventually became the throne room of the Red Keep in our own show, albeit after a major redress. It’s a massive set, entirely filling one of the Paint Hall’s four pods.
Not sure how many of you are interested in such crunchy behind the scenes stuff, but there ’tis for those who are.
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… and a bunch to go.
Watched the Jets/ Vikings game last night. The one played while I was flying off to Dublin. Thank you, Brett, for that last interception. I was sweating it for a few minutes there.
(All the games after that one are still unplayed as far as I’m concerned, so no spoilers please).
Oh, people are asking about the two actors quarreling in Belfast. Yes, it’s true. Saxon, who plays Nymeria, seems to have taken a dislike to Cooper, who plays Ghost, and when the two of them were off their leashes at the same time, well… but no one was seriously harmed.
On other fronts, look for SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH and WILD CARDS, volume one at your local bookstore. Both should be on the racks soon. More when I get back.
Oh, and check out the Villains Tourney at Suvudu, where Ser Gregor Clegane has been battling for his life whilst I was overseas, slaying all manner of other dastards. But he needs your help if he is going to prevail.
Off to Minnesota in an hour.
Oh, and for those of you who can’t make the FFG event, I will also be signing at the Barnes & Noble in Roseville, MN on Monday night:
If it’s a choice, though, the Days of Ice & Fire event will offer a lot more chance to hang and talk than the store signing. I’ll be reading a chapter from DANCE at the FFG event too.
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I’ve left the winds and rain and mud of Belfast behind, and I’m now on sunny Malta in the middle of the Med. Sorta. Actually, yesterday I was on the streets of King’s Landing watching Yoren school Arya in being a boy, and today I was way out east on the edge of the Dothraki sea, as Dany tended her stricken sun and stars.
I’m seeing some great stuff. Really truly. We have an AMAZING cast, and it’s a privilege to see them in action.
Okay, okay, not everything is idyllic. There were torrential rains on Malta last week that washed away a whole Dothraki camp (missed that), and back in Belfast two of our actors have taken a dislike to each other and got in a fight that left one of them bloodied… but other than that…
More when I get home… if I can find the energy…
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Ashford Castle has some impressive halls and chambers… but nothing to compare to the high hall of the Eyrie, and the throne room in the Red Keep of King’s Landing. Hot damn.
I’d say more, but in a few minutes we’re off to Castle Black and the Wall.
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