Not a Blog

Two Swords

April 6, 2014 at 11:12 pm
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Okay, okay, we broke the internet AGAIN.  Sorry about that.  I'm not to blame this time, it was HBO GO… and all you people who have HBO GO and keep trying to watch the episodes on your computers instead of on your television sets.

Anyway, the internet has been fixed, they tell me, and "Two Swords" has come and gone.  How about Maisie and Rory?  Was that great, or what?


Of course, there were lots of other great stuff in the episode too.  (Yes, I know, I'm prejudiced).  Tyrion, Tywin, Jaime, Cersei, Shae, Sansa, Jon and Sam, the return of Ser Dontos, an amazing introduction of the Red Viper and his paramour.   But that last scene kicked ass.

Anyway, hope you all saw it, hope you all liked it.

(But no, please DON'T discuss it here, I prefer you take discussions, debates, recaps, and analysis to Westeros, Winter Is Coming, Tower of the Hand, or Television Without Pity).

Next week: "The Lion and the Rose."

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Season Four…

April 6, 2014 at 12:43 pm
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… is almost at hand.

Tonight's the night.  Did I mention that?  Oh… I did…

 "Two Swords."  Episode one of season four, written and directed by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.  It's a helluva season episode.  I've seen it three times now, at various premieres, but I'm looking forward to seeing it a fourth time this evening.

 And next week, "The Lion and the Rose," the episode I scripted myself.  I haven't seen that one at all, but various folks I trust tell me it came at well, so I'm looking forward to seeing it for myself.

 Anyone doing anything special in the way of premiere parties?  We're partied out ourselves, after the New York, Brooklyn, and Santa Fe premieres, so we're staying home, gathering round the tube, and laying in some ribs and pulled pork and brisket from Whole Hog.

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Cool Stuff at the Cocteau

April 3, 2014 at 11:29 pm
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The VERONICA MARS movie, famously funded by fans of the TV show via Kickstarter, will make its Santa Fe debut at the Jean Cocteau tomorrow.

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The Cocteau bar will be introducing a special cocktail in honor of Ms. Mars — the Marshmellow Hootch.

And on Monday evening, the latest in our series of author events — CONNIE WILLIS will be coming to the Cocteau for an evening of conversation and booksigning.   Fans of SF and fantasy need no introduction to Connie, I trust.  She has won more Hugo and Nebula awards than any other author, living and dead, been a worldcon Guest of Honor, a worldcon Toastmaster and Hugo Emcee, and was recently named a Grandmaster by the SFWA.

See you at the movies.

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Happy April 1st

April 1, 2014 at 12:52 pm
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Sorry, no April Fool's prank this year.

Too tired.

Too busy.

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Hugo Deadline At Hand

March 31, 2014 at 7:42 pm
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Just a reminder.  Today is the last day to nominate for the 2014 Hugo Awards, to be awarded this August in London.  You will need to be a memer (attending or supporting) of LonCon to vote… but if you were a member of last year's San Antonio worldcon, or the forthcoming one in Spokane, you can still nominate.

The Hugos are the oldest award in the fields of SF and fantasy, and still far and away the most important.   They are a fan award… a reader award… YOUR award… so do let your voice be heard.

To nominate, start at the official website here:

You will need your membership number and PIN.

(I don't have time to give a long list of recommendations this year, as I have done in past years.  But I will suggest that you remember GARY GIANNI when nominating for Best Professional Artist, for his incredible work on the 2014 Ice & Fire calendar, and JANE JOHNSON and MALCOLM EDWARDS when nominating Best Professional Editor, Long Form.  This is a British worldcon, after all, and these two titans of SF and fantasy publishing in the UK have NEVER received a single nomination for their contributions to our field, which is shocking and shameful.  Both of them deserve places on the ballot this year).

((And even if you have already sent in your e-ballot, it's not too late.  The LonCon format permits you to go back and add and even change right up to the deadline)).

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Big Day Tomorrow

March 28, 2014 at 10:17 pm
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GAME OF THRONES, season four, comes to Santa Fe tomorrow.

We will have three showings.  A Spanish-language screening in the morning, an English screening in the afternoon, a private invitation-only show in the evening.  Meanwhile, the Iron Throne has already been set up in Sanbusco mall, and will be there all morning and afternoon, till 5 pm, for fans to see, sit in, and take pictures of.  No charge for that.  No charge for any of that.

The two public showings are first come, first seated.  But get there early.  There's already a line half a block long as I type.

Our marathon screenings of seasons one to three concluded on Monday with the showing of "The Rains of Castamere" and "Mhysa," and a costume contest.  We had some amazing costumes turn up.

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See you tomorrow… back in Westeros.

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I Broke the Internet

March 27, 2014 at 3:20 pm
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Sorry about that.

 The upload of the new sample chapter from THE WINDS OF WINTER created so much traffic to my website and blog that the servers crashed.  This is the first time I've been able to get up myself all day.

 Anyway, it seems to be easing off some.  And we are looking at ways to increase capacity.

 The "reviews" of the chapter have been amazingly enthusiastic as well.  Thanks.   I am pleased that so many of you — thousands and maybe tens of thousands, it would seem — enjoyed "Mercy" so much.

 I mentioned that this chapter had quite a history.  It's true.  The first draft was written more than a decade ago.  Originally, it was intended to be the opening Arya chapter after the infamous "five year gap," her first appearance in A DANCE WITH DRAGONS as initially conceived.   Then it was supposed to be a part of A FEAST FOR CROWS, after I abandoned the five year gap and split the books.  Then it was going to be the concluding Arya chapter in A DANCE WITH DRAGONS.  But it seemed more like an opening chapter than a closing one, so shortly before ADWD was published my editor and I agreed to remove it from DANCE and shift it over into WINDS.  Of course, it has been revised, tightened, polished, and tweaked at every step of the way, so the version on my website has some significant differences from the "five year gap" version.

Some of you who enjoyed meeting Mercy may not have found the other sample we've put out there of late, a new Tyrion chapter.  That one is live and available with the ICE & FIRE app, and can be found at



Enjoy the read.

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Game of Thrones Ascent for iPad

March 27, 2014 at 1:00 pm
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An Announcement brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River:

Last year, Disruptor Beam developed Game of Thrones Ascent for the Web, and several million players—comprising thousands of alliances–have joined the conflict in Westeros.

Today, Disruptor Beam just launched a new version of the game for iPad.

If you haven’t tried the game since it first came out, it’s worth checking out again now.  Many features have been added, like forming alliances with other players for large-scale battles—not to mention a huge amount of content, items and artwork.  If you’re brand new, then you’re in for a treat: the iPad version is a big improvement over the Web version, with crisp graphics and an overhauled touchscreen interface.  As Season 4 airs, the game will also feature weekly updates based on the events you watch on HBO.

Disruptor Beam tells me that an Android tablet version will also be available in several weeks.  For those of you with an iPad, you can download it today by following this link:

You can also get more information about all the versions of the game on Disruptor Beam’s website:


An Announcement brought to you by the Minions of Fevre River-

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For Three Days Only…

March 25, 2014 at 7:28 pm
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… Doc Brown and his time machine are back at the Jean Cocteau.

Tuesday (that's today), Wednesday, and Thursday we're screening BACK TO THE FUTURE, PART 2, and Doc had to come check it out.


So come check it out for yourself at 418 Montezuma Street.  We not only have Doc and DeLorean, but also the best popcorn in town.


 On Friday, alas, Doc will be taking his machine back to 1985, or maybe 1955, or perhaps the Old West.

But never mind.  This weekend, we'll have something else just as cool to sit in.

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Something Old, Something New

March 25, 2014 at 4:12 pm
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Hiya kids, hiya hiya hiya.

With season 4 of HBO's GAME OF THRONES almost upon us, I thought the time was ripe for me to give my readers another taste of WINDS OF WINTER.  So I will shortly be posting a new sample chapter there.  (If you have not read the Arianne chapter that has been up there lo these many months, better do so soon, because Arianne will be coming down when the new sample goes up).

The new chapter is actually an old chapter.  But no, it's not one I've published or posted before, and I don't even think I've read it at a con (could be wrong there, I've done readings at so many cons, it all tends to blur together).  So it's new in that it is material that no one but my editors (well, and Parris, and David and Dan, and a few others) have ever seen before, but it's old in that it was written a long time ago, predating any of the samples that you have seen.  The first draft was, at any rate.  I've rewritten it a dozen times since then.

Anyway, I've blathered on about it long enough, I will let the text speak for itself.

Chapter title is "Mercy."

(And as with past samples, please don't talk about it here.  There are dozens of great places to talk about the books on the web, but this is not one of them.  If you want to talk about the chapter after you've read it, check out Westeros or Tower of the Hand or one of the many other great Ice & Fire sites).

Watch my website.  Coming soon.

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