Not a Blog

Holy Direwolves, Batman!

June 6, 2014 at 2:44 pm
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The response to our fund-raising campaign on Prizeo has been nothing less than mind-boggling.

One day into the campaign, the original $150,000 goal and the subsequent $200,000 goal have both been met and surpassed.  As I type, donations stand at $231,000, and we have raised the goal to $400,000.  And we still have 58 days to go!

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Every donations helps, whether large or small.  You guys have made me very proud.

Once again, the link is

I am told this is the fastest-rising campaign in the history of Prizeo.

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June 5, 2014 at 7:02 pm
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Hey, hey, hey.

We're number one.


For the details:

I loved THE SOPRANOS.  But I gotta admit, it's good to be the king.

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Me and the Wolves

June 5, 2014 at 10:46 am
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How would you like to visit Santa Fe, spend a day with me, see my collection of toy knights and medieval miniatures, sample some green chile and carne adovada, then take a helicopter down to Candy Kitchen, New Mexico and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary to meet the Westeros pack?

Well, now's your chance.

I've teamed up with the good folks at to raise some funds for two of my favorite charities — the aforementioned Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary, and the Food Depot here in Santa Fe, where they feed the hungry people of Northern New Mexico.  Win the grand prize, and we'll fly you in from wherever you may be in the world for the day described above.  Every donation has a chance to win… but there are all sorts of other cool premiums and prizes as well, for various levels of donations.  T-shirts, signed maps, signed books,a signed script,  breakfast at worldcon or comicon.  You can die horribly in WINDS OF WINTER… and I'm even donating my well-worn Greek fisherman's cap!


For more details, go to

Win or lose, it's all for a good cause, or rather two good causes.

Help the wolves, and feed some hungry people.

You'll have my thanks.

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Antboy Is Coming

June 4, 2014 at 12:52 am
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So Marvel has dismissed director Edgar Wright from the long-awaited (by me, anyway) ANT-MAN movie he was helming.

Very distressing.  I love Ant-Man (and the Wonderful Wasp).  I am still outraged that they were left out of THE AVENGERS film.  They were founding members of the group, after all.  Which can't be said for their replacements, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

But hey, hey, have no fear.  If you're feeling a serious lack of ant-based superheroics, the Jean Cocteau Cinema is coming to your rescue.  Marvel won't be giving us ANT-MAN until 2015, if ever, but this weekend the Jean Cocteau is debuting the first Danish superhero movie:


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Come and check it out!  Showtimes on our website.

And we have lots more excitement at the theatre this weeked too.  More about that later.

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Win A Rogue

May 29, 2014 at 1:11 am
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ROGUES, the latest gigantic crossgenre anthology from yours truly and Gardner Dozois, is scheduled for release on June 17… but three lucky fans can snag a copy early.

Patrick St. Denis, fantasy blogger and degenerate Dallas Cowboys fan, is having one of his infamous giveaways at Pat's Fantasy Hotlist.  To enter, just go to

Rogues comp A March 17 lo res

For those who'd like a taste of the treats awaiting them, Pat has also put up an excerpt from Patrick Rothfuss's outstanding novella.  You can find that one here:

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Opening Friday

May 29, 2014 at 12:30 am
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Opening on Friday at the Jean Cocteau… and many hundreds of other screens across America… is COLD IN JULY, a film by Jim Mickle, based on the novel by the one and only JOE R. LANSDALE.

This one's a wild ride, and has won all sorts of acclaim at the Sundance and Cannes Film Festivals.

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Don't miss it, whether it's at our theatre, or one near you.

And read the novel too.  Lansdale is an incredible writer, with a unique voice.  Compulsively readable.

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See You in Carolina

May 28, 2014 at 4:04 pm
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Tomorrow morning my executive minion Raya and I will be off again, this time to ConCarolinas in Charlotte.

 If you're in the neighborhood, swing by the Charlotte Hilton and join the fun.  Parties, panels, autographing, speeches… did I mention the parties?  Sometime in there I hope to find some good barbeque.

 And I'll be doing a reading.  This time, I think, a selection from the forthcoming WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE, for all you fake history fans.


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For The Record

May 27, 2014 at 6:33 pm
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I originally posted this on April 23.  I am bumping it to the top of my Not A Blog again, because there's a new story out there about an amusing tweet I made t'other day:

It WAS an amusing tweet.  But I didn't make it.  Once more, let me say… well, see below.


I seem to have to repeat this every year or so.  Okay, sure.  There are always folks who come in late, who never got the memo.




I have a website, and I have this Not A Blog, right here on Live Journal, and every so often (rarely)  I post on other people's blogs and websites, or on certain bulletin boards and news / discussion sites.  But that's it for my internet presence.

There are accounts on Facebook and Twitter that carry my name, I know.  Some just repost the things I post here.  Others are more actively malignant, making up all sorts of crap and trying to make them seem like my own words.  They're not.

Accept no substitutes.  This is where I hang out, nowhere else.

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I’ve Got This

May 25, 2014 at 7:16 pm
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A useful new service for dealing with friends and loved ones who come late to the party.

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Two Poems

May 22, 2014 at 1:29 am
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Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us.  Traditionally that's a huge day on the SF convention calendar, and one that usually finds me off at one con or another.  Indeed, Parris flew off this morning, and is now in Kansas City with old friends and new, preparing to enjoy Conquest, one of our very favorite small regional conventions.  (I'm not with her.  I'm at home working.  But don't feel too sorry for me, I get my own con next week, when I travel to Charlotte for ConCarolinas).

Much as I enjoy the holiday aspects of Memorial Day, however, I try not to lose sight of the day's true meaning — to remember those who have fought and fallen in defense of our country.

I was never a warrior.  I served in VISTA, not the Army or Air Force, and I opposed the Vietnam War.  But I have written a good deal about war and warriors, and read even more about those subjects.  Together with Gardner Dozois (a Vietnam era vet), I edited WARRIORS, a mammoth anthology of stories about war and the men and women who fight them.  The glories and horrors of war lie at the very center of A SONG OF ICE & FIRE.

Way back in grade school, like many other lads of my generation, I was taught to recite one of the classic poems of those subjects: Alfred, Lord Tennyson's CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.   I don't think they teach that in grade school any more, so maybe some of you younger folks have never heard it.

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Stirring stuff, even now.   As a kid, I found it enormously moving.  I can still remember chanting those lines in class, surrounded by the other kids, all of our voices joining as one.  (Do they still recite poems aloud in grade school?  Somehow I doubt it).

It was not until many years later, however — until college — that I first encountered the reply to Tennyson's ode, penned a generation later by Rudyard Kipling.  It moved me to tears the first time I read it, and it still does, all these years later.  Some things never change (sadly, sadly)… and with the VA scandal and America's treatment of its own veterans very much in the news, Kipling's poem remains as topical today as it was then.

So here's the second act, the part that comes after the glory.  Kipling's THE LAST OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.

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 So on this Memorial Day, here's to the poets… and to all the warriors.  Let us honor the dead, by all means… but let us remember the living too.

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