Life is hard when you’re a Jets fan.
Kermit knows the truth.
The New York Jets, having not won a SuperBowl since 1969 or been in the playoffs since 2010, often have very high draft picks.
Sometimes they select a bust. In those cases, the players are cut.
Sometimes, however, they get a really terrific premium talent, the kind of generational player you can build a contender around. In those cases, the Jets get a few years out of the player… and THEN trade him away.
For more draft picks.
Which they then use to select more players, who will either be busts, or terrific players.
Who will then be traded away.
For more draft picks.
Darrell Revis. Chad Pennington. And now Jamal Adams.
If Sam Darnold turns out to be a franchise quarterback, an All Pro player, a future Hall of Famer… one wonders where they will send him, and what draft picks we’ll get.
If he turns out to be a bust, of course, we’ll keep him… just until we draft the next franchise quarterback.
The New York Jets. Building For The Future Since 1969.
Current Mood: discontent