… was yesterday for MISSISSIPPI ROLL, the latest volume in the Wild Cards series.
At least in the USA and Australia. The rest of the world will need to wait a little longer.
MISSISSIPPI ROLL features the work of Stephen Leigh, John Jos. Miller, Carrie Vaughn, Cherie Priest, David D. Levine, and Kevin Andrew Murphy, edited by yours truly with the assistance of Melinda M. Snodgrass. You’ll be rolling on the river from New Orleans to Cincinnati with old favorites like Carnifex, the Midnight Angel, Hoodoo Mama, Ramshead, Sewer Jack, Wild Fox, and the Jokertown Boys, and making the acquaintance of Steam Wilbur and the haunted steam packet Natchez. Although this IS the twenty-fourth book in the Wild Cards series, still going strong after thirty years, let me stress that it is not necessary to have read the first twenty-three to understand it. MISSISSIPPI ROLL stands perfectly well on its own, and the story it tells is complete in one volume
MISSISSIPPI ROLL can be preordered from your favorite local bookstore or online bookseller. Amazon has it at https://www.amazon.com/Mississippi-Roll-Wild-Cards-novel/dp/0765390523
Collectors who would like an autographed copy can order one from the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau Cinema at http://jeancocteaucinema.com/product-category/author/ (Signed by yours truly, you will need to track down the writers yourself).
Keep your steam up, boys and girls!
Current Mood: cheerful