All you aces and jokers out there, go ahead and mark FEBRUARY 25, 2025 on your calendars. There’s a party going down on Keun Island, off the Atlantic Coast of Cornwall, and you’re invited!
That’s the day Penguin Random House will be releasing the hardcover edition of HOUSE RULES, the 34th original in our on-going Wild Cards series. Guests will be gathering at the ancient, historic, mysterious (some say haunted) Loveday House.. Lord Jago Branoc and his staff will be on hand to welcome you.
Stephen Leigh, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Peter Newman, Peadar O Guilin, and Caroline Spector will be attending, accompanied by their characters new and old. And I’ll be there as well. I had better be; I’m the editor. Someone has to keep this rowdy crowd in line.
You can check out any time you like. Some of you may even be permitted to leave.