Stuff I thought I’d mention:
Week one of the new NFL season was played yesterday. The Giants had the Vikings at home, and looked just as bad as last year. They made some good draft picks, I thought, adding a top receiver and bolstering the O-line, but it did not seem to make a whit of difference. Daniel Jones did not impress at all. Maybe we need to go back to Tommy DeVito. I fear I am not going to get much joy from Big Blue this year. Maybe the Jets will be better. They play tonight. Here’s hoping that Aaron Rodgers will last more than three plays.
So, this year’s Bubonicon, our friendly hometown SF con, was August 23-25 down in Albuquerque. I could not attend the whole con, but I dropped down on Saturday for the mass signing and our traditional dinner with the Pope. I also had a speech, “80 Minutes with George R.R. Martin.” I did not have time to write a speech, as I’d intended, so I played it by ear and ad libbed my remarks… which turned out surprisingly well. I’ve had a lot of things on my mind of late, so there was plenty to talk about: WINDS OF WINTER, my television projects, the trip and my visit to Tolkien’s grave, my upcoming birthday, what I want to do when I grow up… er, rather, what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was a serious talk, parts of it quite personal and heartfelt. I am wrestling with a lot right now, and it felt good to share some of that with my listeners. Afterward several fans told me how much they enjoyed it. One told me the speech was “poignant.”
One of my assistants was recording the talk on his phone, so that I could post it here. Supposedly he got all eighty minutes… but his iPhone was glitching and overheating, and the next day, when we tried to play it back, we discovered we did not have it after all. The phone had failed, and the speech did not make it to the cloud either. You have no idea how much that bummed me out. We have brought in a recovery expert to try and find the speech on the dead phone, but I fear the odds of recovering anything are slim. That sucks. I had really wanted to share that speech… no, there were no huge earth-shaking announcements, but I tried to give some insight into where I am right now with my writing, and the rest of my life… If anyone reading this was in the audience for “Eighty Minutes With George R.R. Martin” and happened to record it, let me know. I want to know what I said, and if it was half as profound and eloquent as I remember.
Politics? I could talk about the election, but I think I won’t. Not now, at least. Suffice it to say, I am worried. Trump was the worst president in American history, and if he gets in again, he will be worse, judging from the remarks he keeps making about retribution and bloodbaths and the like.
I had some cool guests in between worldcon and Bubonicon: Anne LeGuernec, the amazing French actress who starred as Cat in my DOORWAYS pilot back in 1993, came to visit with her incredible family. Anne and her husband did a reading for us at the Jean Cocteau, and we showed them Santa Fe and Taos and introduced them to green chile. It was great to see Anne again, and talk about DOORWAYS and the roads not taken, all the stories we might have told had the show been greenlit.
Oh, did I mention that the first two seasons of DARK WINDS are now streaming on Netflix (as well as AMC), and doing very very well?
Meanwhile, the third season is filming here in New Mexico, at Camel Rock Studio.
Speaking of television shows, I have always loved alternate history and Jane Grey, England’s nine-days queen, has always fascinated me. Small wonder, then, that I really enjoyed MY LADY JANE, a clever and original historical fantasy on Amazon Prime, set in an England full of witches and shapechangers, where Jane lasts more than nine days. Meredith Glynn is one of the showrunners. I had the pleasure of working with her on one of the GAME OF THRONES spinoffs that HBO shelved a few years back, and knowing her talents, it did not surprise me that MY LADY JANE was so much fun. Witty and original, it reminded me a bit of THE GREAT, a show I loved. Alas, THE GREAT is gone, and it appears MY LADY JANE is too. Amazon did not renew it for a second season.
The show has a lot of fans, though, and they have launched a petition to get Amazon to order more. (Got to love the fans).
I wish them luck. Jane deserved more than nine days, or eight episodes.
Current Mood: busy