Back in March, we showed our short film NIGHT OF THE COOTERS at the Midwest Weirdfest festival in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and won the award for Best Science Fiction Short.
The trophy was not ready at the time, but it is now, and the good folks in Eau Claire were kind enough to send it to us.
It’s very cool, and we’re pleased to add it to the awards shelf.
NIGHT OF THE COOTERS had a good run on the festival circuit. We exhibited the film at LA Shorts and NY Shorts, Genreblast (Provo, Utah), Midwest Weirdfest (Eau Claire), Atlanta Film Festival, Santa Fe International Film Festival, Dubuque Film Festival, and took home five awards. At this point, though, COOTERS is retiring from the festival circuit for the time being, while we try to put together a distribution deal. Meanwhile, we have two more Howard Waldrop shorts almost ready to go. Watch this space. When we have some details on times and showings, I will be glad to share them here.
NIGHT OF THE COOTERS was based on Howard Waldrop’s short story of the same title, with a screenplay by Joe Lansdale. Vincent d’Onofrio directed, and also starred as Sheriff Lindley of Pachuco, Texas.
Current Mood: happy