Would you like to visit Meow Wolf’s new location in Grapevine, Texas? Would you like to… before everyone else?
Two tickets for a preview day at Meow Wolf Grapevine is just one of the many unique and exciting items you can bid on and win through our silent auction, live now at https://one.bidpal.net/stagecoachfoundation/browse/featured

Wait, there’s more! A one-of-a-kind pendant, “Strength”, featuring a Jaeharys I Targaryen Golden Dragon Coin from Shire Post Mint, created by world-renowned artist George Rivera (https://www.georgeriverastudio.com/about) especially made for Stagecoach Foundation!

We’re so honored and grateful that Mr. Rivera would produce such a beautiful piece in support of our silent auction. You can add this magnificent pendant to your jewelry box while also supporting Stagecoach Foundation by bidding now at: https://one.bidpal.net/stagecoachfoundation/browse/all
Every dollar of winning bids goes towards funding our mission through 2023! Plus, you get one-of-a-kind experiences, books, art, and collectibles… pretty sweet, right?! Don’t wait – bidding ends and winners will be finalized THIS FRIDAY, 12/16, at 9 PM!
For more information about how Stagecoach Foundation is creating career pathways for New Mexicans in the Film & TV industry through FREE training and workforce development please visit https://www.stagecoachfdn.org
Brought to you by the Minions at Fevre River
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