Every two weeks or so, we upload new posts on our official Wild Cards blog at https://www.wildcardsworld.com/blog/
Our latest blog post is from the one and only JOHN PICACIO, the latest winner of SFWA’s Solstice Award (which I had the honor to present to him — virtually, of course), and one of the leading artists and illustrators in our genre… and any other genre, for that matter. John talks about the artwork he has done for the Wild Cards stories on Tor.com, the Ice & Fire calendar he did for me way back when, and much much more.
If you love his art, or SF and fantasy art in general, his piece is a must read. And while you are there, check out some of the other stuff we have to offer on our Wild Cards website, and sign up for our newsletter. There’s always something new in the wonderful world of Wild Cards.
Current Mood: pleased