My theatre in Santa Fe, the Jean Cocteau Cinema, has been closed up as part of the coronavirus lockdown in New Mexico.
But I’ve kept my staff on, and they’ve been busy working virtually… on our JCC YouTube channel (among other things).
Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZDqU56IzUFXmzpMF4jRRg — and give us your thumbs if you enjoy what you see.
Among other offerings, the site includes video of most of the other events we’ve done in the past year or, featuring a wide range of terrific writers, including Lee Child, John Scalzi, Erica Jong, Alan Brennert, Marlon James, John Nichols, and more. You will also find recipes for some of our award-winning cocktails, music and magic, children’s book reviews, and our art show openings. Lots of fun stuff.
And more to come. We hope to keep adding content to the JCC… including new book events… once we reopen.
Current Mood: satisfied