Never judge a book by its cover, or an actor by the character he or she portrays.
Most of you only know Sibel Kekilli for her portrayal of Shae in HBO’s GAME OF THRONES. In her native Germany, of course, Sibel is recognized for a wide variety of other roles, including a long stint on the popular police procedural TATORT, the German LAW & ORDER. She is also a two-time winner of the Lola Award (the German Oscar) for Best Actress for her starring roles in WHEN WE LEAVE and HEAD-ON.
Sibel is more than just a gifted actress, however. She is a kind and gentle and compassionate person as well, one that I am proud to know… and she is a woman of rare courage. In these dark and highly politicized times, when the safest course for any public figure is silence and smiles, Sibel has never hesitated to speak her mind, giving of her time, her money, and her fame to help others. Every time she speaks up, she subjects herself to another flood of abuse, slurs, death threats, and the like… but she persists, nonetheless.
Sibel Kekilli is a true hero.
She has worked for years for Terre des Femmes, fighting violence against women all around the world.
Now Sibel has a new venture: working with PAPATYA to rescue girls (from the ages of 13 to 21) threatened with forced child marriages and abductions. Sibel has recently used her own funds to buy computers for the girls. She’s also lent her support to an on-line counseling site, SIBEL ( named after her character from HEAD-ON) to offer advice and help to those who need it.
She has my admiration and support. I hope she has yours as well.
Current Mood: determined