Today’s the day. You ready, Denver? Meow Wolf has arrived!
No, no, not the BIG Meow Wolf, the massive installation three times the size of Santa Fe’s House of Eternal Return that is going in downtown, just south of I-25 and a mile or so from Mile High. That one will be mindblowing, but it’s not scheduled to open until 2020.
Today you get just a taste: the dark ride called Kaleidoscape, opening at Elitch Gardens.
The DENVER POST got an advance look.
Sadly, I won’t be there myself to experience Kaleidoscape on its opening day. (My minions have me chained to a desk writing). But I will get up there eventually, have no fear. And knowing the gang at Meow Wolf, I have no doubt the ride will be like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
So go forth, Denverites (Denverians? Denvites?) and take a trip to another world.
[[ Comments permitted… but ONLY about Meow Wolf and Kaleidoscape]].
Current Mood: excited