Here’s a cool new video from the Wild Cards event at the Jean Cocteau in August of 2017, wherein our wild card authors discuss their favorite comic book superheroes… and whether their own Wild Cards characters could take them in a fight.
Yes, it took us quite a while to get this edited and on line. Sorry about that. What can I say? We’re busy.
I wasn’t interviewed myself, since I was busy running around herding cats and running the whole shebang. But if I had been I would have said my own favorites were the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, and a few oddball titles like the Challengers of the Unknown, Space Ranger, and Cosmo the Merry Martian. How would my Wild Cards characters have done against them? Hmmmm… well, depends on the match-up. Doc Strange could probably wipe the floor with any of my guys, him being the Master of the Mystic Arts and all, but Lohengrin and the Turtle could have given most of the others a good fight, and Popinjay maybe couldn’t defeat them, but he could send them to another planet light years away, which would be distinctly inconvenient for most of them. Oh, and any of my guys could take Cosmo the Merry Martian.
Comments permitted… but ONLY on superhero death matches, please.
Current Mood: amused