No, no, not my Wild Cards books… NFL football.
All four road teams won. So much for home field advantage.
“Life is miserable and full of pain,” I often say, when the Giants and the Jets go down to defeat. But I have to say, this weekend’s games put my own miseries into proportion. Yes, yes, the Jets have breaking my heart since 1969… but at least I am not a Vikings or a Bengals fan. (Though I have friends who are both. Hi, Mike. Hi, Steve). In all my years of watching football, I don’t think I have ever seen two such agonizing losses. If they had happened to one of my teams, I’d… I’d… god, I don’t know what I’d do. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Next week it’s on to the divisonal round. Someone please beat the Patriots and I will be happy.