I spent a goodly chunk of yesterday afternoon at the Jean Cocteau with pen in hand, signing books.
We’d sold out of our original stock of A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, so we got a hundred more. I scrawled illegibly in all of them. I also signed copies of A GAME OF THRONES, A CLASH OF KINGS, A STORM OF SWORDS, A FEAST FOR CROWS, and A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, all of which are now available from the JCC in hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market. We were down to about three copies of the adult coloring book, so we got more of that one too, and a big stack of FEAST OF ICE AND FIRE, the official Westerosi cookbook. All of these can be found on the Signed Books page of the JCC website.
Of course, we also have a lot of great books in stock by the other writers who have visited us. Here are a few of those:
All these, and many many more titles, can be found at http://www.jeancocteaubooks.com/
Autographed books make great Christmas presents… but to be sure of getting your books by Christmas, it would be wise to order now.