Viserys III Targaryen, the Beggar King, is begging for followers on Tweeter.
Some of you may know Viserys as Harry Lloyd.
Check out his Supreme Tweeter:
Got back last night from Seattle.
Norwescon was a lot of fun. I got to hang with some old friends and made some new ones, and drank far too many White Russians. (The Dude abides). My hosts treated me very well.
I read the new ‘Alayne’ chapter, the one I just uploaded, and got a great response. I’m very pleased that so many of you liked it. (I’ve gotten some nice emails about it too. Sorry that I cannot reply, but there are just too many).
The con also featured a Burlesque show with a GAME OF THRONES theme. That was fun too.
The Philip K. Dick awards were given out. I haven’t actually read any of the finalists, but a couple of the winners were present, and I was pleased to meet them.
This year’s Hugo ballot was also announced, simultaneously with similar announcements at Minicon and the British Eastercon. I am going to have more to say about that soon. A lot more. But not in this post. I don’t want to spoil the mood here.
Fandom Is (indeed) a Way of Life, and attending a con like Norwescon always feels like coming home.
Oh, and once more, for all the Seahawks fans I met this weekend… THEY SHOULD HAVE GIVEN THE BALL TO BEAST MODE. Worst. Call. Ever.