;… or maybe Menlo Park?
As it happens, I was out in that neck of the woods yesterday, with a couple free hours before heading to the airport to return to Santa Fe, so I did some surprise drop-in stock signings at three local bookstores.
Those of you in northern California, if you are looking for autographed copies of LOWBALL or THE ICE DRAGON or THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE or ROGUES or any of my Ice & Fire novels, hardcover or paperback, check out:
KEPLER'S BOOKS, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
BARNES & NOBLE , 3600 Stevens Creek Blvd, San Jose
HICKLEBEE's, 1378 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose
You'll find signed copies of my books at all of them… while the supplies last.
(Which won't be long. Especially at Hicklebee's).
Would have loved to drop by some of the other great bookstores in the Bay Area as well, but we ran out of time.
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