Yes, it's true. Your wait is over. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS will finally be published in paperback, next month.
(Have you guys really been waiting? Really truly?)
The paperback release has been delayed again and again, I know. (Believe me, I've received a lot of emails about it). This was done largely at the request of the bookstores. The hardcover was still selling strongly (still is, actually), so they wanted the paperback delayed.
But no longer. On October 29, Bantam Spectra will release DANCE simultaneously in trade and mass market paperback editions.
And yes, the paperback will include a preview chapter from THE WINDS OF WINTER. (Though at this point it has been so long that I've forgotten which one it is).
October, by the way, looks to be a huge month for me. Besides the DANCE paperbacks, I also have OLD MARS coming out that month, and the MEATHOUSE MAN graphic novel, and a little Xmas book called THE WIT AND WISDOM OF TYRION LANNISTER. But more about that one later.
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