Given the popularity of HBO's GAME OF THRONES, it is only to be expected that various costume companies would be offering GOT-themed costumes for Halloween this year. So, unsurprisingly, you can go trick-or-treating as Arya, Daenerys, Melisandre, Jon Snow, and sundry other characters from the show.
Rather more unusual, however, is the outfit selling grisly Red Wedding costimes, complete with buckets o' blood:
Even those outfits are not the most surreal offering for All Hallow's, however. Stranger still, you can also attend your favorite Halloween party as…
… me.
I am not entirely sure how I feel about being a Halloween costume. It does suggest a plan, however. Perhaps I should buy several of these outfits, and send forth my minions, appropriated costumed, to all my public appearances and booksignings for the next couple of years, while I stay home and write.
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