The grand re-opening week at the Jean Cocteau has gone by in a blur. Only two more days to catch ORPHEUS and FORBIDDEN PLANET… for free. So far, everyone seems to love the new art deco look of the entryway and concessions area, and our famous popcorn. And the crowds have been great. Of course, you'd figure that, with admission being free and all.
This weekend will be our first true test. On Friday we start charging for admission.
We're going to continue to offer an eclectic mix of films. Something for every taste, we hope.
Next up are SHOUTING SECRETS and EUROPA REPORT. Check 'em out.
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And for those of you who are allowed to stay up late, here's a taste of our Midnight Movie (11pm, actually) next Friday and Saturday.
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See you at the movies ((I hope)).
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