Gardner Dozois and I have just delivered the completed manuscript (well, e-manuscript, it being 2013 and all) for our latest big cross-genre anthologies, ROGUES, to our editor at Bantam Spectra.
Once again, we’ve got a really kickass lineup of contributors, and some terrific stories.
The table of contents:
George R.R. Martin !œEverybody Loves a Rogue! (Introduction)
Joe Abercrombie !œTough Times All Over!
Gillian Flynn !œWhat Do You Do?!
Matthew Hughes !œThe Inn of the Seven Blessings!
Joe R. Lansdale !œBent Twig!
Michael Swanwick !œTawny Petticoats!
David Ball !œProvenance!
Carrie Vaughn !œThe Roaring Twenties!
Scott Lynch !œA Year and a Day in Old Theradane!
Bradley Denton !œBad Brass!
Cherie Priest !œHeavy Metal!
Daniel Abraham !œThe Meaning of Love!
Paul Cornell !œA Better Way to Die!
Steven Saylor !œIll Seen in Tyre!
Garth Nix !œA Cargo of Ivories!
Walter Jon Williams !œDiamonds From Tequila!
Phyllis Eisenstein !œThe Caravan to Nowhere!
Lisa Tuttle !œThe Curious Affair of the Dead Wives!
Neil Gaiman !œHow the Marquis Got His Coat Back!
Connie Willis !œNow Showing!
Patrick Rothfuss !œThe Lightning Tree!
This one was an enormous amount of fun. We’re got something for everyone in ROGUES — SF, mystery, historical fiction, epic fantasy, sword and sorcery, comedy, tragedy, crime stories, mainstream. And rogues, cads, scalawags, con men, thieves, and scoundrels of all descriptions. If you love Harry Flashman and Cugel the Clever, as I do, this is the book for you.
If there’s any bloody justice, some of these stories will contend for awards.
(And it’s one more monkey off my back, hurrah, hurrah)
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