Haviland Tuf is back in print, once more sailing his ARK around the galaxy, courtesy of the good folks at Bantam Spectra, who released their reissue of TUF VOYAGING n January 29. The new trade paperback contains all the wonderful Janet Aulisio interior illustrations from the Meisha Merlin hardcover edition, long out of print, as well as the complete stories first collected by Baen Books way back when, after their original publications in ANALOG, GALAXY, and ANDROMEDA.
The TUF VOYAGING reissue should be available now at your favorite local bookstore or online retailer.
(And for those who absolutely must have a hardcover, check out the Signed Books page of my website. I still have some copies of the old Meisha Merlin hardback, as well as a fast-dwindling stock of their numbered and lettered limited versions, and would be glad to inscribe them on request. First come, first served, for as long as the supply lasts).
PS I am often asked if I will ever write any more Tuf stories. The answer is yes, I would love to, and I have plenty of ideas for the further adventures of Tuf and Dax and the ARK. It’s just a question of finding the time. Right now, as some of you know, I am kind of busy with the SONG OF ICE AND FIRE novels and GAME OF THRONES tv show, not to mention Wild Cards and my other anthologies. So Tuf will need to wait. But he’s a patient guy, and I do hope to get back to him one of these days.
PPS It has also been suggested that I make TUF into a TV series. Hey, love to. But it’s not up to me. I need to find a studio and network willing to back a new space show to the tune of many millions of dollars, and that’s not easy. I have pitched Tuf before, and hope to pitch him again, Real Soon Now, but honestly, he’s a tough sell. Television likes its starship captains sexy, like Kirk and Captain Tightpants and Rocky Jones. Tuf is a towering, hairless, fat, pompouse fellow who talks like Alfred Hitchcock and loves pussycats. Not an easy part to cast either… but hey, every time I see Conleth Hill playing Varys, I go “Hmmmmmmmm.”
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