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Reading, Writing, Collecting Knights

October 15, 2012 at 2:14 pm
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What’s German for “yadda yadda yadda?”

There’s a brand new interview with me up on the web, for those of you who cannot get enough of hearing me sound off.

Thing is, it’s in German.

I don’t actually speak German, mind you, so the interview was conducted in English, but it was a German interviewer, so the translation/ voiceover is in German, and I’m not sure to what extent my own English answers remain audible. But here it is, for my German fans:

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If nothing else, there’s lots of cool shots of my collection of toy knights and model figures in this one.

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October 14, 2012 at 6:46 pm
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Life is magical and filled with joy.



The Jets game was even more one-sided than the final score would indicate. Indy’s rookie phenom Andrew Luck looked every inch a rookie this morning, and not the least bit lucky. Gang Green should actually have posted two more TDs, but two terrific pick sixs by Antonio Cromartie were called back by bogus penalty calls. (It is almost enough to make one want the replacement refs back. Almost). Mark Sanchez only passed for 82 yards, but that was more than enough, since Shonn Greene was rushing for 161 and the New York D was playing lights out. Ground and pound offense and stifling D… that was the formula that got the Jets to two successive AFC championship games. Nice to see it back again. Impressive as Greene’s running was, the real hero of this game was Cromartie, who has really stepped up his game since Darrell Revis went down for the season. Gang Green STILL has a shutdown corner, it would seem. I was also thrilled to hear the announcers mention the name “Quinton Coples” several times. Maybe the Jets first round draft choice is not the second coming of Vernon Gholston after all.

The Giants started pretty slowly out in the City By The Bay, sandwiching in a sad little three-and-out between two long Niners drives in the first quarter. But the defense stiffened towards the end of both those drives, so all that San Francisco had to show for them was one field goal. And then Eli and the O woke up, and the rest of the game was Big Blue all the way. The Giants D line harassed Alex Smith relentlessly, sacking him six times and intercepting him thrice. Two of those INTs were by safety Antrell Rolle, the game’s defensive standout. And for the second week in a row, New York’s running game was fearsome. All the commentators and analysts agreed, no one could run on San Francisco, but Ahmed Bradshaw punched holes through their line time and time again, becoming the first back to run for 100 yards against them in their last upmty-ump (23, I think it might have been) games and scoring the first running TD against them all season. And Giants rookie David Wilson gashed them for several big runs as well. As for the Niners O, the Giant D made QB Alex Smith look like the Alex Smith of two years ago, not this year’s Alex Smith. All told, a very impressive, dominating win that left the G-Men atop the NFC East.

And then, just to put some nice fat cherries atop my Sunday sundae, the Cowboys, the Patriots, and the Eagles all lost horribly in the final seconds of their own respective contests. Oh, yes yes yes, the gods are good, the sun is shining over New York City, and all the pretty girls are blowing me kisses…

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Save the Bird

October 7, 2012 at 5:20 pm
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‘Nuff Said.

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October 1, 2012 at 3:09 pm
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It’s Banned Books Week, and there’s nothing I hate more than banning books (no, not even the New England Patriots and Dallas Cowboys), so I’m doing my little bit with a fundraiser for the COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND.

The CBLDF is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the rights of free speech and free expression in comics books, graphic novels, and related fields. My own roots as a “funny book” fan go all the way back to the letters of comment I published in FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS, and other Marvel comics back in the early 60s. I also attended the very first comicon, and won my first writing prize for an amateur prose superhero yarn (an Alley Award, which I never received, sob), so comics are a medium dear to my heart… as anyone who has ever read my own long-running WILD CARDS series of mosaic novels surely knows.

Accordingly, I’ve donated one hundred (100) signed hardcover copies of the Wild Cards mosaic novel INSIDE STRAIGHT to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, to be offered to the first hundred donors making contributors of $100 or more.


The copies have all been signed by yours truly… as well as by my assistant editor, Melinda M. Snodgrass, and writers Daniel Abraham, Carrie Vaughn, Michael Cassutt, John Jos. Miller, and Caroline Spector. Which is to say, by ALL the contributors save for the elusive S.L. Farrell. This “Seven Signature Special” will continue only so long as the supplies last.

All contributions to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund are tax deductible.

For more than 25 years, the CBLDF has been protecting the comics medium in courtrooms, libraries, and classrooms all over the United States by providing legal counsel and education on issues relating to comics censorship. A proud sponsor of Banned Book Week, the CBLDF is supporting several events around the country supporting the Freedom to Read, and offers a rich range of resources about banned comics and how to defend against challenges on

Most recently, the CBLDF has called for a school district in Connecticut to rescind a graphic novel ban carried out against the district’s own policies. In the past year the Fund prevailed in a case defending an American comic book reader who faced wrongful criminal charges in Canada because of Japanese comic book images on his laptop computer. An amicus brief they authored was also cited by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down an unconstitutional California law seeking to regulate violent content in the case Brown v. EMA.

“The CBLDF is a small organization with a powerful mission, and that work is only possible because of the generous contribution of our supporters,” CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein says. “We’re extremely grateful to Mr. Martin for this generous contribution, and to everyone who will have the opportunity to own one of these unique signed novels. The CBLDF is a tremendous team effort between the creative and readership communities who value the importance of intellectual freedom for comics and all media. We’re thankful to be celebrating Banned Books Week with George in this extraordinary way.”

To make your contribution, and order your copy of INSIDE STRAIGHT, go to:

All monies should go direct to the CBLDF, not to me.

Sorry, I cannot add a personal inscription to your book. The copies have already been signed by all concerned (save for Mr. Farrell), and are on their way to the CBLDF.

Free speech is one of the cornerstones of our democracy, yet somehow it is always under attack. The world is full of people who think they know better, and want to tell you what you should read, what you should write, what you should see. Christian fundamentalists, Muslim extremists, the right, the left… everybody seems to have a book or two they want banned, an idea or two they don’t want expressed. Well, I say it’s spinach, and I say the hell with them.

Donate some money, get a tax deduction, visit the world of the Wild Cards, and add a swell signed collectible to your collection… that’s a win, win, win, win if I ever heard one.

And thanks.

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