The latest Wild Cards reissue from Tor Books will be out in time for Christmas.
Now available for pre-order via Amazon, B&N, or your favorite local bookstore is volume two in our long-running Wild Cards series, ACES HIGH, scheduled for publication on December 20. No new stories this time around, alas, but the new edition will feature another spectacular cover from Michael Komarck, this time starring Pat Cadigan’s character Water Lily.
ACES HIGH features stories by Roger Zelazny, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Victor Milan, Lewis Shiner, Walton Simons, John J. Miller, Pat Cadigan, Walter Jon Williams, and yours truly. (Actually, it includes two stories by me, a Turtle story and the Jube interstitial). The old gang’s all here, almost — Fortunato, Dr. Tachyon, the Great and Powerful Turtle, Demise, Walter Lily, Yeoman, Modular Man, Cap’n Trips.
Make it a Wild Cards Xmas, and join the fun.
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