On the road… just arrived in Indianapolis. I have a signing tomorrow at the B&N in Carmel. Hope to meet some of you there.
This is the first chance I’ve had to sit down at a computer since leaving home. The tour has been a blur. We started out in Baltimore, where I signed thousands of copies of DANCE at the Random House warehouse. Those copies will be going to bookstoress all over the country. Maybe one near you. Then on to Boston and NYC.
The Boston signing, at the B&N in Burlington, drew 1500 fans. I also signed several hundred extras copies for them, so if you missed the event, you still may be able to find an autographed copy there. Also signed a mess o’ copies at Harvard Books in Cambridge.
In between Boston and NYC, we made a brief stop at New Haven, where I sampled Frank Pepe’s famous pizza (excellent) and signed some stock for Yale Books and Atticus Books.
Then it was on to NYC, and the signing at Union Square last night. The B&B folks estimate that we drew 1800 people to that one, and the ache in my shoulder confirms it. An amazing night. Everyone seemed to have a good time, though. SIgned plenty of stock at that one too, some of which will remain at Union Suare, some of which will go to the B&N on 5th Avenue, so NYC should be awash in autographed copies for a few days.
And yesterday morning we learned that DANCE had the highest first day sales totals of any work of fiction released this year. Not just SF and fantasy, but all categories of fiction.
The reviews have been amazing as well.
And then, cherry on the sundae, the Emmy nominations came out. Thirteen nominations for GAME OF THRONES, including the coveted Best Dramatic Series nomination, the “Big One.” (Which no one thought we’d get).
It’s been quite a ride. When I flew to Indy this morning, I didn’t even need a plane!
Current Mood: null