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Tomorrow’s the Big Game

February 6, 2010 at 11:03 pm
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I’m sorry the Jets won’t be playing, but hey, it’s still the SuperBowl, so I’ll be watching.

I kinda sorta like both of these teams, so I have no strong rooting interest. I suppose I’ll be pulling for the Saints. New Orleans deserves some good news after all that Katrina and George W. Bush have put them through, the Saints have never won one before, Drew Brees seems a good guy, I liked Jonathan Vilma when he was a Jet and Jeremy Shockey when he was a Giant, and they have that whole underdog thing going for them. When in doubt, root for the underdog.

But I won’t be distraught if the Colts win, as I would be if it were, say, the Cowboys or the Patriots. (If the Cowboys and the Patriots ever meet in the Superbowl, I will need to root for the earth to open and swallow both teams and the stadium). The Colts are a classy team as well, and Peyton is Eli’s big brother, after all. My heart may be pulling for Nawlins, but my head says it will be Indy.

And we’ll have friends over, and there will be beer, and chips and salsa, crab puffs and egg rolls and chicken wings, plus the SuperBowl commercials. Can’t beat that.

Forget Independence Day. SuperBowl Sunday is America’s real national holiday.

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SUICIDE KINGS in Albuquerque

February 6, 2010 at 4:34 pm
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By popular demand, we’ve scheduled another Albuquerque mass signing for the latest Wild Cards hardcover, SUICIDE KINGS (volume twenty in the overall series, and the third and concluding book of the current triad).

This time we will be at the Barnes & Noble in Coronado Center, on the southwest corner of Menaul and Louisiana NE in Albuquerque. The event is scheduled for Saturday, February 20, and will run from 1:30 pm until… well, it says 3:00 here, but really, until we run out of people who want us to deface their books with our illegible scrawls.

On hand, besides yours truly, will be our local Wild Carders Melinda M. Snodgrass, Daniel Abraham, Victor Milan, John Jos. Miller, and Ian Tregillis… whose character Rustbelt is featured there on the cover (he’s the one losing the pith helmet). Caroline Spector will be coming in from Texas to join the festivities, and Carrie Vaughn will be coming down from Colorado. Carrie’s latest, KITTY’S HOUSE OF HORRORS, the seventh volume in her NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Kitty Norville series, will also be out, and copies will be available for signature. I imagine B&N will have INSIDE STRAIGHT and BUSTED FLUSH on hand as well, for them what missed ’em (shame on you), along with lots of other titles, old and new, by the participating authors.

So if you’re in the vicinity of New Mexico on the 20th, drop on by. We’d love to see you.

Visit the Barnes & Noble events page for more info:

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