I’ve just received some terrible news from my friends at Dark Sword Miniatures. Their daughter stopped breathing Monday at daycare, and is in the hospital.
Jim writes:
“circumstances are grave. she will most likely not make it, but we are holding out hope for a miracle recovery.
could you say a prayer for her and ask your readers to pray for her?
She is only 3 months old (and so healthy) and this came out of nowwhere.
She is hooked up to a breathing machine but will once in a while fight in a breath of her own as her little body tries to get better.
Her brain is in really rough shape.
I am typing this from a hospital laptop.
If you and your readers could keep our daughter in your thoughts, we would be thankful.”
I hope that all of you will join with me in sending your prayers and good wishes to little Lillian, and hoping for a good outcome. You can send your messages of support directly to her parents via jludwig@darkswordminiatures.com.
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