Just a few jots about various things going on these days, in my life and in the world at large.
Saw the new Avengers movie last night. ENDGAME is amazing. Kudos to the writers and director. I cannot believe they got all those characters into one film, and still managed to do them all justice. The final battle was epic, exciting, thrilling, full of twists and turns… and strangely beautiful. But the character scenes earlier in the film really made it for me. The opening with Hawkeye, the Ant-Man scenes, Tony Stark’s moments communing with his helm… so many more. There’s plenty of action here, but this is not just A Big Dumb Action movie, of which there are far too many these days. Stan Lee would have been proud. Could he ever have dreamed that all those characters he and Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko and the rest of the Marvel team created in the early 60s would one day come to dominate global culture? There’s an amazing story for you.
Oh… and yay for the rat. The unsung hero. They should make him an honorary Avenger.
On other fronts… my imaginary history book, FIRE & BLOOD, had a good long run on the NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller List, hanging on for more than three months in the top ten before finally sliding off. But hey, hey, hey, as of this week, I’m back! My Targaryen history has reappeared at #9 on the hardcover fiction list, up from #12. You can’t keep a good dragon down.
(You can get autographed copies of FIRE & BLOOD from the bookstore at my Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe. We also have signed copies of all my other books, as well as novels by many other writers… most recently, Alan Brennert and Marlon James).
The graphic novel of STARPORT, adapted and drawn by the talented Raya Golden from a television pilot I wrote in 1994, is also out, and doing nicely. Raya did a beautiful job, and there’s a chance that there will be more STARPORT graphic novels coming your way in the future. ((Based on my world and characters, but no, not written by me, I don’t have the time, so calm on down)). Who knows? Maybe even the TV series it was originally meant to be. And wouldn’t THAT be wonderfully exciting.
Oh, and speaking of television, don’t believe everything you read. Internet reports are notoriously unreliable. We have had five different GAME OF THRONES successor shows in development (I mislike the term “spinoffs”) at HBO, and three of them are still moving forward nicely. The one I am not supposed to call THE LONG NIGHT will be shooting later this year, and two other shows remain in the script stage, but are edging closer. What are they about? I cannot say. But maybe some of you should pick up a copy of FIRE & BLOOD and come up with your own theories.
Purely as a viewer, no connection whatsoever, I am enjoying the hell out of the new HBO drama GENTLEMAN JACK. Only two episodes in, but it’s very well done. And of course, VEEP is as funny as ever… much funnier than real politics.
Out in the real world, I was pleased that Joe Biden finally announced his candidacy for president. There are a lot of good Democrats running, maybe too many, and I’d probably vote for any one of them over the present blot upon the Oval Office. The main things I want in a nominee, however, are twofold: (1) someone who can beat Trump, and (2) someone who would actually be a good/ great president. Biden qualifies on both counts. Also, the speech he gave announcing his run was kickass… and so, so true. I wish him well.
Lots lots more going on, but I have pages to write. ’nuff said.
Current Mood: busy