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Off to Seattle…

June 30, 2012 at 2:02 pm
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… to teach at Clarion West.

But there’s a reading and signing at Town Hall as well, sponsored by the University Bookstore. Check with them for details, Seattle-ites.

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Weeklong Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary Charity Drive

June 29, 2012 at 10:55 pm
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Our supply of DANCE WITH DRAGONS is sold out, but there are still copies of the CAPTAIN OF GUARDS chapbook available for a $10 donation to the wolves.


I’ve always been fond of wolves… direwolves in Westeros, and real wolves in the real world.

Wolves have faced a tough road for the last century or so. US wolf populations hit critical lows during the twentieth century, and finding a way for humans to co-exist with this majestic creatures is an important part of the conservation movement. Here in my home state of New Mexico, we have the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary ( doing important work in protecting the animals and in educating their two legged neighbors on how to get along. It’s work I strongly support, with both my words and my checkbook.

I invite you to join me over the next week. In conjunction with Wild Spirit, I’m sponsoring a charity drive to raise funds for the shelter. For the next week, we’ll be offering a pair of items from my personal library to people making donations. You can find the books being offered and the donation amounts here:

For a donation of $100 to the Wild Spirit Sanctuary, I will send you a first edition hardcover of A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, autographed… autographed and personally inscribed (upon request). For the most part I have been forced to stop doing personal inscriptions at my bookstore signings, con appearances, and the like… the crowds have simply gotten too large… so this is a rare chance for those who’d like to have a book personalizations. But the offer is limited to forty (40) copies, first come, first served. So if you want one, click on the link and make that donation NOW.

Dance with Dragons

For those who can’t afford a hundred bucks, or arrive at the party too late after the forty copies are gone, we have another offering — a special promotional chapbook featuring the “Captain of the Guards” chapter from A FEAST FOR CROWS. This was prepared by Bantam as a promotional item for the BEA (Book Expo America) and was given away to attendees at that event, but copies were never sold in any bookstore, so it’s a pretty cool collectible for the fans who have everything, and a $10 donation to the sanctuary will snag you a copy. I will be glad to sign these items as well — but, alas, only a straight signature, no personalization or inscription.

Captain of the Guards

So $10 will get you a signed CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS, and $100 will get you a signed and inscribed DANCE WITH DRAGONS. But don’t do it for the books. Do it because the world would be a much worse place without this face in it.

Ally the happy wolf

THIS DRIVE WILL END ON SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT. So if you would like to make a donation and give some wolves a hand, act now. Do it for House Stark. If we raise enough money, maybe I’ll let some Starks live a little longer…

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Yadda Yadda Yadda

June 26, 2012 at 11:09 pm
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For those of you out there who have not yet gotten your fill of hearing me talk as yet, there are a couple of new interviews up on the net that you might want to check out.

From my visit to the UK in April, an interview with British television personality and journalist Grace Dent (beware, there are some BIG SPOILERS in this one).

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((The interview was actually much longer than that. They added some spiff visuals and clips of the show, but trimmed some of the Q and especially the A… and also said some rather extravagant stuff about yours truly that made my modesty klaxon go off as I watched it. Still, a fun interview. At least for me)).

And for the popular webcast Sword & Laser, here I am again, just last week:

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The Sword & Laser episode also contains an episode with the fellow who wrote the book about philosophy in GAME OF THRONES, a discussion of Guy Gavriel Kay’s novel TIGANA, and some other cool stuff. And check out their excellent interview with James S.A. Corey from a couple of episodes back as well.

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Monkeys on My Back

June 23, 2012 at 2:57 pm
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This is for those who complain I never blog about my work. (I do, but not often. I prefer to announce when something is finally done, rather just endless reiterations of “I am working on X, I am working on Z,” and I am never going to be one of those “I wrote three pages today” writers. Sorry, that’s not how I roll).

One little monkey off my back:

THE LANDS OF ICE AND FIRE — also known as “the map book” — is now DONE AND DELIVERED, and scheduled for publication at year’s end.

Monkeys remaining on my back? Lots o’ them:

THE WINDS OF WINTER. Also known as “Son of Kong.” Working on it. Lots to do.

THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE. The concordance. Elio and Linda are my partners on this one, a compendium of the history and legends of the world of Westeros. A coffee table book, lots of gorgeous art from such talents as Ted Nasmith, Justin Sweet, and others. Making good progress on this one of late, lots of great historical stuff that I think my readers will enjoy. Never before revealed details of Aegon’s Conquest, the War With the Faith, The Dance of the Dragons, the Paramours of Aegon the Unworthy, etc.

Poul Anderson story. An original short story for the Poul Anderson tribute anthology. Way, way overdue, but I am getting to it.

Dunk & Egg #4, An original novella of Dunk & Egg. Working on it. Hope to have it done by worldcon. It’s scheduled to be published in

DANGEROUS WOMEN. A huge crossgenre anthology that Gardner Dozois and I are doing for Tor. Largely complete, except for Dunk & Egg. Well, we’re waiting for three rewrites, but my own story will likely be the last one in, then we can move this one to “done and delivered.”

LOWBALL. Volume twenty-two in the Wild Cards series. Working on that one with Melinda Snodgrass, my co-editor. Late, but almost done, a few last sections remain to be completed.

OLD MARS. Original anthology for Bantam, coedited with Gardner Dozois. Three-quarters done, a few stories still due in, three or four rewrites in progress. Not due quite yet.

OLD VENUS. The sequel to Old Mars. Well back in the pipeline, not due for a year.

ROGUES. Big crossgenre anthology I am doing with Gardner Dozois. One story already in, several in progress, but there’s lots of time on this one too.

So there we are…

No more monkeys, please. Don’t write to me with any tempting offers or cool new projects. I am practicing saying No.

No, no, no, no, no. Sorry, can’t, pass, no way, count me out, too busy, no, no, no, thanks but no thanks, no thanks, no thanks.

I love my monkeys, but I have enough.

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Janet Aulisio

June 22, 2012 at 11:27 am
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Anyone out there in the wide world of the internet have current contact information for the artist Janet Aulisio, who illustrated the Meisha Merlin edition of TUF VOYAGING?

My publisher has been trying to get in touch with her, but all our contact info seems to be outdated. We have a Minneapolis address, plus a phone number (land line) that no one ever answers.

Any info later than 2003 would be welcome. Thanks.


I got a lot of emails with helpful suggestions, and we have tracked down Janet and put her in touch with Bantam. Appreciate all the help.

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Westeros Attack Ads

June 20, 2012 at 12:47 pm
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These are great.

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Dancing With LOCUS

June 18, 2012 at 12:14 am
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I’m very pleased to announce that A DANCE WITH DRAGONS has won the LOCUS Award as the Best Fantasy Novel of 2011. I wasn’t able to attend the awards banquet myself, but Ty flew out (he was also nominated, for LEVIATHAN WAKES in the SF category) and accepted on my behalf. Presumably he will even bring me back the award, if I can pry it out of his fingers.

For a full list of this year’s finalists and winners, go to the LOCUS website at:

LOCUS, founded by the late great Charles Brown, is the trade magazine of science fiction and fantasy, and has been the bible for me and a lot of other professional writers for decades. Their annual awards poll draws more votes than the Hugo and Nebula Awards combined.

A DANCE WITH DRAGONS is the fifth volume in A SONG OF ICE & FIRE to be nominated as the year’s best fantasy by the readers of LOCUS, and the fourth to win. What can I say? Those LOCUS readers have really good taste.

Thanks to the good folks at LOCUS, and to everyone who voted, whether it was for me or for one of my excellent fellow nominees.

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Stealing Jake

June 14, 2012 at 7:20 pm
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Giants tight end Jake Ballard played well all season, until he tore his ACL in the Super Bowl. It was a serious injury, requiring surgery. Recovery is lengthy, and Ballard will not be able to play at all in 2012. He is going to miss the entire season. So the Giants put him on waivers. I mean, who is going to claim a player who can’t play? Once he cleared waivers, Jake could be put on the Reserved/ PUP list (Physically Unable to Perform). He’d still be Giant, and come 2013, presumably he would be healthy again and able to return to the team.

That’s what the Giants wanted. That’s what Jake wanted.

But he didn’t clear waivers. He was claimed by another team. To the astonishment of all.

Who would do such a thing, you ask?

Who else? The New England Patriots.

Stuff like this is why we call him Evil Little Bill.

The Giants are pissed. Ballard is reportedly pretty unhappy as well. Evil Little Bill says what he did was legal (it was, completely), that there are no “unwritten rules” (there are, that’s wrong, but hell, Bill breaks WRITTEN rules, as in Spygate, so of course he doesn’t believe in unwritten ones, or things like, oh, sportsmanship).

The Patriots don’t even need a tight end. They already have the best tight end tandem in the NFL in Gronkowski and Hernandez, both of whom are actually better than Jake Ballard. This move screws the Giants, but it also screws Ballard, who would have been a starter on the Giants when he came back in 2013. On the Pats, he’ll warm the bench and play in some three tight end sets.

Have you no shame, Evil Little Bill?

Boo. Hiss. Boo.

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Own the Iron Throne

June 9, 2012 at 6:23 pm
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In Westeros they have to fight and kill and scheme for the Iron Throne.

Out here in the real world, you can just buy it.

The HBO Shop is offering a full-sized (yes) replica of the Iron Throne for sale. You can own your very own for a mere $30,000. Plus shipping and handling:

I don’t who keeps records of these things, but this may well be the largest and most expensive item of merchandising ever offered for a TV show. Unless STAR TREK sold a full-sized flyable ENTERPRISE when I wasn’t looking.

Hey, maybe if they sell enough of these, they will do the Painted Table next!

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Audiobooks Times Three

June 9, 2012 at 5:37 pm
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Some cool news for those of you who like listening to books as well as reading them… Random House Audio will be producing brand-new audiobook versions of three of my older novels. If you’re not familiar with any of the work I did before A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE… well, here’s your chance to sample some of it.

And we’ve got some great narrators lined up to read the books as well… names that should need no introduction for fans of HBO’s GAME OF THRONES series.

RON DONACHIE (Ser Rodrik Cassel) will be reading my historical horror novel, FEVRE DREAM.

MICHELLE FAIRLEY (Lady Catelyn Stark) will read WINDHAVEN, the SF adventure I wrote with my dear friend and collaborator Lisa Tuttle.

IAIN GLEN (Ser Jorah Mormont) will be doing the honors and reading my first novel, DYING OF THE LIGHT, a romantic SF tale set in my “Thousand Worlds” history.

These won’t be out for a while yet — recording sessions have to be scheduled, etc — but I will be sure and let you know when they are, so you can give a listen.

It’s a thrill for me to have these three great actors bringing my characters to life again.

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