Judging by the comments I’m hearing, one of the favorite scenes in this week’s episode of HBO’s GAME OF THRONES was the throne room verbal sparring between Lord Varys and Lord Baelish. (For which all credit goes to David Benioff and Dan Weiss. The scene was not in the novel. Which is not to say it could not have happened, but neither Petyr nor Varys is a viewpoint character, so I had no pov from which to present such a scene).
So for all you miniature collectors out there who would like to recreate such a scene in your own throne room diorama… here are the two latest releases from Dark Sword Miniature.


Both sculpts are by the talented Jeff Grace, who just keeps getting better.
(And no, they don’t look like the actors in the show. They are not meant to. Dark Sword is licensed to produce miniatures based on the novels, not the television series).
You can order these, and the rest of the amazing Ice & Fire line, from the Dark Sword website at http://darkswordminiatures.com/ There’s a gorgeous painted version of Varys up there as I write, and a painted Littlefinger will not be far behind.
((Just a reminder. I’ve mentioned the show here, but that does not mean I am opening up the Not a Blog to discussion of the series. Oh, a passing mention is okay, but serious debates and discussions should be taken to Westeros, Tower of the Hand, Television Without Pity, or Winter Is Coming. Comments are open here… for comments about the miniatures.))
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