Elmo is a fibber and a drubber and a jock. He’s whispered to horses and conversed with dogs. A diamond in the rough, he is, but no pinhead.
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Elmo is a fibber and a drubber and a jock. He’s whispered to horses and conversed with dogs. A diamond in the rough, he is, but no pinhead.
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Pirate and Bully.
Dead Man and Barman.
Corporal and Potato.
Gash and Nark.
And let’s all be grateful, the big dog didn’t get bitten.
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Parris and I have always been big supporters of the various charities, both fannish and mundane, that raise funds through auctions at SF and fantasy conventions. It’s a great way to raise money for worthy causes, have a little fun, and get some unique items into the hands of collectors. In fact, I just finished shipping off five huge boxes of books, games, t-shirts, and other collectables to our hotel in Reno, to donate to the various charity auctions at worldcon.
(Some items will go to SFWA Emergency Medical Fund auction, some to the BWB fund-raising drive to pay for their party, some to the worldcon’s own charity).
Unfortunately, there are a couple items that won’t be auctioned at worldcon. We had hoped to bring a couple of signed scripts from the first season of the HBO series GAME OF THRONES with us, and the good folks in Belfast were kind enough to donate them. Dan Weiss sent them across the pond (registered and priority, signature required).
All that arrived was a battered envelope and Dan’s cover letter.
The US post office delivered the envelope in a plastic baggie with a pre-printed note apologizing for the “damage.” But this was no error in handling. The envelope was torn open at one end, and both scripts were gone, though Dan’s letter remained.
I am convinced the scripts were stolen.
Last year we donated a signed STAR TREK script to a charity auction and it brought $1200. These two scripts may not have gone for quite that much, but they would have brought home some significant bucks. Someone in the US Post Office (we believe the package made it across from Belfast relatively unscathed) recognized their value and removed them.
So… I am putting out the word to all my fans and readers. Whoever sold these scripts will presumably try to cash in at some point. So if any of you ever see scripts fitting this description turn up on ebay, one of its competitors, or on some dealer’s table — notify me at once, and report the stolen property to whatever local authorities are appropriate.
Here’s what was taken: two teleplays, final shooting scripts for episodes nine and ten of season one, “Baelor” and “Fire and Blood,” autographed by writers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and director Alan Taylor, printed on white paper.
Like Bloodraven, I have a thousand eyes and one. So let’s keep ’em all peeled, boys and girls.
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… I wanted to give a shout out to a convention that I won’t (alas) be attending — TITANCON, the one-day GAME OF THRONES convention being held in Belfast on September 24.
This one is fan-organized, fan-run, and not for profit. It’s being held in the city where the HBO series is filming, and (depending on shooting schedules) several of the cast members are likely to show up to sign your autographs and let you buy them drinks.
((Actors, like writers, like it when you buy them adult refreshments)).
Here’s the dope: http://www.titancon.com/
Like I said, I can’t be there myself. Wish I could, but the dates don’t work with my schedule, alas. But if this Titancon succeeds, maybe there will be more in future.
And Joe will be there:
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So for those of you over in the UK and Europe who can’t find your way across the pond for Renovation, consider attending Titancon instead. A weekend in Belfast and the company of your fellow Ice & Fire fans and Hodor too. What could be better?
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Thrice nominated, once victorious. A double threat. He wrote the script for his own wedding. Has struggled against the Spider’s sort, taken on Santa, caught a tiger by his tail. Never reads the same book twice. Last seen dancing home.
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From England, England hails this fellow, an ideal choice. He’s been a madman, a nut, a spud, a martian, a king, and a slaver, he’s gone up with a balloon and down with a ship. But why he is so sad when he’s stroked so many women?
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And this year it’s… drum roll, please… GAME OF THRONES.
GOT just took the “Outstanding New Program” award at the 2011 TCA awards, voted by the members of the Television Critics of America, an organization of professional television critics, reviewers, and journalists.
Here’s the scoop:
Goes without saying that we’re all jazzed.
Thanks to all the members of the TCA for the recognition, and to Dan and David and the rest of their team, whose efforts produced a series we can all be proud of.
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Down under he was the voice of wisdom.
Later on he was the voice of everyone.
Now he’s wisdom.
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I’m off to San Diego tomorrow morning, for comicon.
Tickets have been sold out for months, alas. But for you lucky 150,000 who will be lucky enough to get in, here’s my current schedule of signings, panels, and other public events.
10:00 am – 12 noon Daniel Abraham and I will be signing copies of the FEVRE DREAM graphic novel at the Avatar booth (#2701),
12 noon – 1:00 pm EPIC FANTASY panel, rm 6A
1:30pm – 2:30 pm The panelists from Epic Fantasy will be signing in autograph area AA1
3:00pm – 4:00 pm The GAME OF THRONES panel, an hour long discussion of the HB0 series with showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and actors Lena Headey (Cersei), Peter Dinklage (Tyrion), Emilia Clarke (Daenerys), Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo), Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Nicolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime). I’ll be moderating.
4:30pm – 5:45pm The GAME OF THRONES cast and I will be signing posters at the Warner Brothers booth #4545.
10:00 am – 11:00 am I will be signing copies of the DOORWAYS graphic novel at the IDW
booth (#2643)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm John Picacio and I will be signing copies of the 2012 Ice & Fire calendar in the autograph area, AA 21 I will also be signing A DANCE WITH DRAGONS and my other Ice & Fire books during this appearance.
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm I will be signing A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, the other Ice & Fire books, and anything else you care to bring in the autograph area, AA 18.
5:00pm – 6:00 pm Tor Books will be giving away complimentary copies of INSIDE STRAIGHT at their booth, and I’ll be on hand to sign them, along with Melinda Snodgrass, Daniel Abraham, Carrie Vaughn, and other members of the Wild Cards crew. We’ll also be glad to deface FORT FREAK and any other Wild Cards books you care to present to us.
10:30 am – 11:30 am WILD CARDS panel. Half a dozen of your favorite Wild Cards writers will assemble to talk about the past, present, and future of the long-running shared world series in the field.
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm The Wild Card panelists will adjourn to AA1 to sign your books.
Later that afternoon, I will heading over to Mysterious Galaxy for my signing there, but that’s offsite, and not an official part of the SDCC schedule.
A couple of notes about the signings:
1) as on my tour, I will be autographing your books, but I won’t be able to inscribe or personalize them (unless by some chance you catch me at a slow time when there’s no line),
2) many of these signings are keyed to particular books and projects. At Avatar, I’ll be signing FEVRE DREAM, at IDW it will be DOORWAYS, for Tor WILD CARDS. The place to get your DANCE WITH DRAGONS signed is at the big general signings on Friday and Saturday. We’ve scheduled me for four hours of signing between those two days… so please, respect my other publishers and DO NOT ask me to sign your Ice & Fire books at the booth signings. Those are meant to promote my other projects.
Of course, there are certain things I am always willing to sign.
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Seen around the streets of New York City…
So… the pedicabs may be gone, but GAME OF THRONES rolls on!
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