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Year’s End

January 1, 2012 at 12:11 am
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What a long, strange trip it’s been, this 2011.

The ball has already fallen in Times Square, so the new year is on hand back on the east coast. Here in New Mexico, as I write, it’s still 2011… for another forty-five minutes or so, at least.

A year ago, this very evening, I was just being released from the hospital after a week’s stay, including the worst Christmas of my life. It was my first hospitalization since 1973, and a scary time for me and my loved ones. Hard not to look back, and reflect on the close call I had. It was an infection, as I wrote last January, and the antibiotics knocked it out… but if I had delayed going to the emergency room another day or two, things could have been much worse.

Things turned out for the best, though, and I’m glad they did. 2011 was a hell of a year.

I would love to write something profound and deep about everything that’s happened to me this past year… but, truth be told, words fail me. I’ve had good years and bad years before… more of the former than the latter, thankfully, but plenty that were mixed… but never a year like 2011. The first part of it was incredibly stressful, as I struggled to finish and deliver A DANCE WITH DRAGONS while still recovering from that aforementioned hospital stay. The rest of it was just incredible.

Even now, looking back, I hardly know where to begin. So many amazing memories from this year, so much that I will cherish forever. My work has always been well received and well reviewed, I am pleased to say, and I’ve won my share of Hugos, Nebulas, and the other genre awards… but the kudos and honors I’ve received this year went far beyond genre. To be named Author of the Year by USA TODAY… to have TIME magazine list A DANCE WITH DRAGONS as the best book of the year (not the best fantasy of the year, or the best SF book of the year, but the Best Book, period)… to be profiled in THE NEW YORKER… to be named as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME magazine… to be recognized by ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY as one of the entertainers of the year… to have the New Jersey State Assembly vote to recognize my achievements and invite me to address them… these go way way WAY beyond anything I ever dreamed of, beyond anything any Sci-Fi Guy could ever hope to achieve back when I was breaking into the field, way back when. And maybe this is all a sign that the world outside our literary ghetto is starting to recognize all of us… for I could never have achieved any of this without the efforts of those who went before. I stand on the shoulders of giants.

Which doesn’t mean it wasn’t a kick. And even more than the honors, the joy was the work itself. I would have to work another six years to find the right words to express how good it felt to finally deliver A DANCE WITH DRAGONS, after struggling with it so long and so hard. And after all that, to have the novel meet the incredible response it did… as I write, DANCE is STILL on the NEW YORK TIMES bestseller list (at #14 in hardcover for the week of 12/26), where it has been since its publication on July 12… and the reviews have been the best I have ever received for anything that I have ever written… well, all that was a vindication and a relief. After six years wrestling with Kong, I was way too close to the beast, and truly had no idea how the book would be received. The publication of DANCE, and my summer book tour to promote the book, was one of the highlights of my year… and my life. My thanks to all of you who came out.

And then there was the show. I’d been involved in television before, of course, but I’d been away for a long time, and I really had no idea how the HBO series would go. The trailers and panel at the TCA last January, the LA premiere party at HBO, the food trucks, the pedicabs, all the fabulous HBO promotion… and then the debut of the show last April, the ten week run, all the kudos it received from the entertainment press, and the TV viewers… it was an incredible ride. And the Emmys! Hot damn. Yes, we lost… (third time for me, since I’d lost twice for BEAUTY AND BEAST back when)… but Peter Dinklage won, and we were there, and the parties were amazing, and it IS an honor just be nominated, to be recognized by the industry itself as one of the five best dramas on television. And for all that, my thanks to all the good folks at HBO, to our fantastic and talented cast, and especially to Dan Weiss and David Benioff.

The book… the series… all these honors… some great conventions and trips and tours… all that would be enough to make 2011 a truly great year… but, hey, I haven’t even mentioned to real highlights yet. That of course would be my two weddings — the legal one here in Santa Fe last February, and the fannish one in Reno in August. They were both amazing, as is my blushing bride, Parris. None of this would mean a thing without her.

Or without my friends. Should auld acquaintance be forgot? Certainly not. So let me lift a glass to them all. To Ty, my acerbic assistant, who shared many of these adventures with me, and helped kept me semi-sane. To Raya, and her unfailing good cheer. To Michael Engelberg, who gave me the best news I got all year, and is always there when I need him. To Michael Cassutt, who is usually there whether I need him or not, to get me into trouble. To Howard and Gardner and Steve and Denise, old pals who know where all the skeletons are buried, and to Mara and Ti and David and Dan and Bryan, new friends I hope to hang with for many years to come. To my amazing agents, Kay McCauley and Chris Lotts and Vince Gerardis, and my amazing editors and publishers, Anne Groell and Scott Shannon and Jane Johnson and Joy Chamberlain. And of course to Melinda, best man, best friend, partner in crime and Wild Cards… hey, thanks for the bachelor party, kid.

And look… while I’ve been writing, a whole new year has begun.

It’s going to have a hell of time topping this one.

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Happy Holidays

December 25, 2011 at 12:00 pm
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It’s been a pretty amazing year for me and mine. I hope the same was true for all of you.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all my fans, friends, and readers.

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Gobble Gobble

November 24, 2011 at 1:12 pm
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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

It’s been quite the year. I have an awful lot to be thankful for.

My friends, my family, Parris…

… and my readers.

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Buried Alive

August 31, 2011 at 11:45 am
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Home again from all my cons and travels… and, as usual, up to my neck in mails and emails.

More soon, on all sorts of fronts.

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Monkeys On My Back

June 1, 2011 at 12:42 pm
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Now that Kong has fallen, all the smaller monkeys who were hiding in his fur have come out and began to howl and chatter and beat me about the head and shoulders.

I got one off my back yesterday (though not one that most of you will care much about): my bloody taxes. At least, I got them to my accountant, so he can file my returns by the June 15 deadline. I had to take an extension back in April, since I was deep in the throes of wrestling Kong and did not have the time to deal with all those little bits of paper. I try not to bitch about taxes too much, mind you. As a good liberal, I don’t actually mind paying taxes. (And I pay a LOT of taxes). I know taxes are the price of a civilized society. That being said, I hate DOING taxes. It has gotten easier in recent years, with Ty doing a lot of the prep work and my accountant doing the final prep and filing the return… but somehow it still always seems to come down to me at three in the morning, zonked on coffee and staring at a faded receipt for $8.17 and trying to figure out what it is, where it’s from, and whether it’s deductible.

Anyway, that’s done. For one more year, at least.

Which is not to say that my back is without monkeys.

Here’s the stuff I am dealing with right now:
— reviewing pitch proposals and putting together the overplot for the new Wild Cards mosaic novel, LOWBALL,
— writing the first draft of my script for episode nine of season two of the HBO series GAME OF THRONES, “Blackwater,” and damn, but this one is a bitch of an adaptation, the original author made the damn battle way too big and too expensive,
— working on a Nicholas van Rijn story for the Poul Anderson tribute anthology Gardner Dozois and Greg Bear are editing (an especially noisy monkey, since the deadline was today and the story is a long way from being done),
— getting back into THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE, the long-promised concordance I am doing with Elio and Linda, which is almost three years late at this point, and needs to be finished and delivered by year’s end,
— roughing out the next Dunk and Egg novella, the next story in the queue after I finished the “Blackwater” script and the Poul Anderson story,
— planning for a long summer of travel: the visit to Poland and Slovenia, the book tour, San Diego comicon, worldcon in Reno, Bubonicon, and maybe another trip overseas in the fall for the HBO show, depending,
— working on a complete redesign of my website, much needed and long potsponed,
— supervising and reviewing and approving materials for the games, the cards, the video games, the comic books, the replica swords, the miniatures, etc, etc.

I am exhausted just typing about it.

And behind all that, of course, lurks Son of Kong: the WINDS OF WINTER.

Why am I writing this damned post??? I need to get to WORK!

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That Time of Year

April 3, 2010 at 10:50 am
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It’s that time of year. I have an appointment with my accountant on Wednesday, so I am doing my taxes. Or more precisely, preparing my taxes so my accountant can do them.

Whatever you call it, I am drowning in little bits of paper.

I don’t actually mind paying taxes. I recognize that taxes are the price of civilization, that they pay for many things I value and would be loathe to do without.

But I hate DOING taxes. I hate receipts, and 1099s, and W-2s and W-3s, and adding up everything six times in hopes they finally match, and searching for that hotel bill from that con last February it’s got to me in their somewhere…

mutter mutter mutter

And don’t get me going on ESTIMATED taxes. A unique treat reserved for us self-employed.

mutter mutter mutter

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Grey Days

March 18, 2010 at 12:19 pm
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Strange days here in Santa Fe. One night we get a blizzard that dumps six inches of snow on us, the next day is so bright and warm that the snow is gone by noon. Many grey days, damp, overcast, chilly without being freezing. Winter is holding on.

I cannot seem to shake this crud. Taking vitamin D and C, taking various cold remedies and allergy meds, and all of them help, but I’m still congested and coughing. It’s more annoying than anything else. The worst part is how tired it makes me feel. Just when I most need to be shifting into high gear, I have no bloody energy. Not much good work getting done.

Ty is on vacation too, visiting Minnesota with his lovely wife. So stuff is piling up here, and I seem further behind with every passing day.

Plus bad news on various fronts that I cannot talk about.

Ah, don’t mind me. I’m just in a fool mood.

I’m going back to the DANCE. I need to kill someone.

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Creeping Crud

March 15, 2010 at 1:01 pm
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Been fighting the crud for the past week. Nothing major, just annoying. Started as a slight sore throat which crept down into my chest and now has me hacking up phlegm. The sore throat is gone now and I keep expecting the rest to be gone any day now, but the damn thing is lingering. Pisses me off. It is slowing me down at the time when I desperately need not to be slowed down. I’m running at maybe 75%, my sleep cycle is screwed to hell, and I am tiring much too easily.

Well, never mind. *cough cough*

Aside from that, life is good.

The Jets seem to have acquired LaDamian Tomlinson. Good for them, I guess. I still refuse to call him LT. There’s only one LT and his name is Lawrence Taylor. Tomlinson can be LD. I hope he can still run. Replacing Thomas Jones won’t be easy.

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Happy New Year

January 1, 2010 at 2:31 pm
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2010. Who would believe it? We’re in another Arthur C. Clarke novel.

Here’s hoping all of you have a great year.

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Merry Christmas

December 24, 2009 at 6:01 pm
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Here’s hoping all my friends and readers have a merry Christmas.

And you other people too.

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