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Cocteau Author Events

October 29, 2015 at 1:50 pm
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We had a great time Tuesday night at the Jean Cocteau. Melinda Snodgrass handled the interview task, with me as the subject, and did a wonderful job. Sellout crowd, and of course I signed a lot of books — DOWN & DIRTY, KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, and the new coloring book.

((Autographed copies of all three will soon be available from the JCC website)).

Next up, in November…

DEBORAH HARKNESS returns on November 8, to sign THE BOOK OF LIFE.

And two days later, on November 10, we’ll have a launch for the WHEEL OF TIME companion.

Books and seats for both events can be reserved on our website. Do remember, our last three author events sold out… and we do hate turning people away at the door, so reserve your place soon.


October 29, 2015 at 1:08 pm
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Life is miserable and full of pain… when you’re a Mets fan.

Fifteen years between trips to the World Series. The Mets are finally back, and then…

Those were two excruciating losses. In completely different ways. Hard to say which one was more painful.

The only consolation… the Mets were down 0-2 to the Red Sox in ’86 too, and that year they lost the first two at home before going on to take two of three at Fenway. So maybe the fat lady ain’t sung yet. I think we have Thor on the mound yet.

Having both the Dark Knight and DeGrom go down, however… never thought THAT could happen.

Sometimes being a sports fan is so exhilerating. Other times, it feels like getting kicked repeatedly in the balls.

As for last week’s football… the Jets went down to the hated Patriots, while the Giants defeated the despised Cowboys. Some highs, some lows. However, really, neither one of those games was all one way or the other. Gang Green’s loss was strangely encouraging. The D looked very good, Fitz played well, and the Jets hung in there. This could very well be a playoff team. The Giants are another story. They won, yeah, but it was hardly a convincing win. No pass rush at ALL, and their run defense got absolutely shredded. They may lead the NFC East for the moment, but they are not going anywhere unless they can get healthy and shore up that defense. JPP had better come back soon and start getting sacks…

All Men Must Die…

October 22, 2015 at 1:51 pm
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… but only a few get to come back as the UNDEAD.

But hey, I’m one of them.

For all you Z NATION fans out there, and those who aren’t (yet) too, my long-anticipated guest starring role as a rotting corpse is scheduled for the October 30 episode, “The Collector.”

I hear a rumor that EW will have a clip from the show on line tomorrow.

No doubt Emmys will follow.

Coming to the Cocteau

October 22, 2015 at 1:10 pm
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We have some great stuff coming to the Jean Cocteau Cinema in the weeks to come.

Starting this weekend, when we’ll be showing the classic BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN.

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Come Tuesday, we’ll have another author event, this time featuring… yes, ME.

A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS came out October 6 and has been riding high on the lists. And Tuesday October 27 is the official release date for both Bantam’s official ICE AND FIRE adult coloring book, and Tor’s reissue of Wild Cards volume five, DOWN & DIRTY.

All three titles will be available for sale at the JCC. MELINDA SNODGRASS will be on hand as well, to interview me. A question-and-answer will follow, and then I will adjourn to the lobby to sign books (but no personalizations, sorry). However, tickets are already half-gone for this one, and we anticipate another sellout… so if you want to join us, contact the theatre (by phone or via our website) and reserve a book and a place now.

Come Halloween weekened, we’ll be showing something old and something new… ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (with a live performance by Rocky Horror New Mexico) and THE CREEPING GARDEN, a film about… wait for it… SLIME MOLD. (Where else but the JCC?)

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Tickets to all of these events can be bought on the JCC website:

November is looking pretty cool as well, with author events coming up for DEBORAH HARKNESS and the WHEEL OF TIME COMPANION, and burlesque with the SUICIDE GIRLS.

See you at the Cocteau!

Mets! Jets! Mets! Jetsmetsjetsmetsjetsmets!!!

October 19, 2015 at 12:06 pm
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Mets take two from the Cubs to open the National League championship series!

((I want to marry Daniel Murphy and have his children. Also, as an old comic book fanboy, I love how the Mets roster is full of superheros. Thor. The Dark Knight. Captain America. And we had Cal Ripken, the Iron Man, broadcasting the game. All we need is a Hulk… ))

Jets thump the Potomac Drainage Basin Indigenous Peoples!!

A great weekend for this old New York sports fan.

Now if the Giants can only make it a triple tonight over the Iggles of Brotherly Love, life will truly be magical and full of joy.

Hedge Knight In the Lists

October 16, 2015 at 3:11 am
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Cool news from both sides of the Atlantic.

The new illustrated hardcover of A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS has debuted on the NEW YORK TIMES bestseller list as #2 in hardcover fiction. Over in the UK, the British edition has landed as #3 on the TIMES list (Bernard Cornwell’s new Uhtred novel is number 1, of course).


Pretty good for a collection of three previously published novellas.

My thanks go out to all my friends at Bantam Spectra and Harper Voyager… and of course to Gary Gianni, whose gorgeous artwork helped make the book such a rousing success.

The Martian…

October 16, 2015 at 1:11 am
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… will be at the Jean Cocteau on Monday, in the person of Andy Weir. We’ll be talking about his novel, and the movie, and he’ll be signing books.

Only a few tickets left. If you’d like to attend, reserve yours now.

ADDENDUM: Sorry, slowpokes. Jon has just informed me that the Andy Weir event is SOLD OUT. ((Don’t say I didn’t warn you)).

Our next author event will be… hey, ME… on October 27. Followed by Deborah Harkness on November 8. Watch the Cocteau website for details. I expect those events to sell out as well, so be prepared to pounce as soon as tickets are available.

The Sexiest Woman Alive…

October 15, 2015 at 2:51 pm
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… is Emilia Clarke, our own Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea.


It’s official. ESQUIRE magazine has proclaimed it so.

Read all about it here: Good interview, and lovely (and sexy) art.

Having been in Emilia’s company at numerous GAME OF THRONES event, I can only applaud ESQUIRE’s good taste. She is indeed a beautiful woman, and a terrific actresss.

Congratulations, Emilia! And applause to the fine folks at ESQUIRE.

Big Ass Robot Invades Santa Fe

October 14, 2015 at 3:01 pm
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Work continues daily on Meow Wolf’s House of Eternal Return, down at the former Silva Lanes.

And now we have a supervisor on site to make sure no one is goofing off. A towering kick-ass robot has just arrived to take up residence in the parking lot (he’s too big to actually fit inside the building).

The robot — who does not have a name as yet, though we hope to have some announcements about that soon — was designed and built by sculptor Christian Ristow, and made his debut at Burning Man. Yes, he “works.” When powered up, he lifts his arm to sniff that daisy in his hand and also stomps small cars into pancakes. (Not really).

He is going to look especially impressive at sunset, we think. Like here.

Now all we have to do is give him a gigantic bowling ball, so he can bowl down that old Silva Lanes neon bowling pin across the lot.

You can see “Becoming Human” at the former Silva Lanes right now… but please stay back behind the chain link fences. This is an active construction site, and hazards abound.

Cinemax Orders SKIN TRADE Script

October 13, 2015 at 5:37 pm
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I am very excited to announce the Cinemax (HBO’s sister company) has optioned the television rights to “The Skin Trade,” the offbeat “werewolf noir” novella I penned back in the late 80s. The deal is closed, and Cinemax has ordered the pilot script. This being Hollywood, of course, you never know where things will end… but if they like the script, we’ll shoot a pilot, and if they like that, hey, who knows, maybe we’ll get a series on the air.

Which would be very cool. I have always thought there was a TV series (or maybe a feature film) in Willie Flambeaux and Randi Wade. Those of you who know the story of DOORWAYS, my ill-fated ABC pilot from the early 90s, may even recall that it was SKIN TRADE that I was actually trying to sell back in 1991, when I flew out to LA for a round of pitch meetings. So we’re a few decades late…

“The Skin Trade” has had a storied, and complex, publishing history. It was originally written for NIGHT VISION 5, the fifth volume of the prestigious annual horror anthology from the late lamented small press Dark Harvest, where it appeared together with original contributions from Dan Simmons and Stephen King, some stellar company. The novella was very well received, and went on to win that year’s World Fantasy Award.

It was subsequently reprinted several times, most recently (and notably) in an illustrated edition from Capclave, where I was Guest of Honor, with a cover and interior art by the amazing Rick Berry.

There’s also been a comic book miniseries and graphic novel from Avatar. Daniel Abraham did the adaptation and script, while Mike Wolfer provided the art.

More recently, the novella was purchased by Mike the Pike Productions, who played a big part in taking the project to Cinemax. To handle the adaptation, script the pilot, and produce the show (should we get a greenlight), we’ve tapped a terrific talented young scriptwriter named KALINDA VAZQUEZ, whose previous credits include work on PRISON BREAK and ONCE UPON A TIME. That was not an easy choice. Cinemax and my agents set me up for meetings with close to a dozen different Tv writers, many of them very impressive, but Kalinda’s take on the story and the characters blew me away. She loves the story and the world, and really seems to get Willie and Randi, and her pitch to Cinemax was one of the most polished and professional I’ve ever heard. I love her enthusiasm, and look forward to working with her.

(And no, while I would have loved to write the script and run the show myself myself, that was never really in the cards. I have this book to finish. You know the one).

So… THE SKIN TRADE… coming to your TV set, er, eventually. Maybe. Howl for it.