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Suicide Girls

November 10, 2015 at 3:18 pm
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Just a reminder… the next big event at the JCC will be Monday night, when the Suicide Girls arrive in town with their Blackheart Burlesque show.

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As of about ten minutes ago, my loyal minions inform me that fewer than twenty tickets remain for the performance… so if you want to join us, I’d suggest you snag some advance tickets now, or else you risk being left out in the cold on Monday night.

(And it is getting cold in Santa Fe. But it will be hot inside the theatre).

Back to Evanston

November 2, 2015 at 4:01 pm
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I will be returning to Evanston, Illinois this weekend in search of my lost youth to receive an alumni award from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism.

I’ll also be doing an interview and Q&A open to the Northwestern community.

And, hey, I also get to go to a football game. I wonder if I still remember all the words to “Go, U Northwestern.”

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Hugo Thoughts

November 2, 2015 at 3:08 pm
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Talking about sports this morning is immeasurably depressing… so I am going to talk about science fiction and the Hugo awards instead.

After several months of relative quiet, the Puppygate mess seems to be stirring again.

It is my hope — maybe a naive hope — that this time around, we can actually talk about the WORK instead of engaging in endless recrimination and name-calling. I am, I confess, not optimistic on that front, but I am going to try to do my bit, by… well, by talking about the work.

In the past, I have usually made my own Hugo recommendations only after nominations have opened. But in light of what happened last year, it seems useful to begin much sooner. To get talking about the things we like, the things we don’t like. This is especially useful in the case of the lesser known and obscure work. Drawing attention to such earlier in the process is the best way to get more fans looking at them… and unless you are aware of a work, you’re not likely to nominate it, are you? (Well, unless you’re voting a slate, and just ticking off boxes).

Let me start with the Dramatic Presentation category. Long form.

Big Hollywood movies traditionally dominate this category. I suspect it will be the same this year. The new STAR WARS comes out at year’s end, and has to be the favorite here. I have not seen it, you have not seen it, no one really knows if it will be another EMPIRE STRIKES BACK or another PHANTOM MENACE… but it’s still STAR WARS, and I suspect it will be nominated.

THE MARTIAN should also be nominated. A great adaptation of a terrific book, I actually think it has a fair chance of upsetting STAR WARS. Fans of hard SF — and there are a LOT of those — love this one, and for good reason. I loved it too. (And wish we’d been allowed to screen it at my theatre). There seems to be some confusion about whether Andy Weir is still eligible for the Campbell Award, by the way… but if he is eligible, he should certainly be nominated.

Also, there’s MAD MAX: FURY ROAD. I loved the old Mad Max movies (especially THE ROAD WARRIOR), and this one was a worthy successor. Deserves a space on the ballot for sure.

Those are the big obvious choices. But let me draw your attention to a few more obscure possibilities.

PREDESTINATION is an adaptation of Robert A. Heinlein’s classic short “All You Zombies.” It actually came out last year (we showed it at the JCC), but had little distribution. For that reason, the Sasquan business meeting voted to give it a second year of eligibility, so it is eligible again this year. It is an excellent little film, with a wonderful performance by Sarah Snook. Very faithful to RAH. If you liked the story, you should like the movie. Seek it out and give it a look.

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS is a comedy out of New Zealand, about four vampires living together in Wellington, NZ. I saw it first in Switzerland at a film festival. It’s hilarious. Won the festival’s audience award, deservedly. Comedy is often overlooked at awards time, if there are no special categories for it. This one deserves a better fate. Not a chance in hell it will ever win a Hugo… but wouldn’t it be cool if a small, funny film like this could make the ballot?

Finally… the Long Form category is not actually limited to movies, though those do tend to dominate. So do also consider JONATHAN STRANGE AND MR. NORRELL, the seven-part BBC television miniseries adaptation of the Hugo-winning novel by Susannah Clarke. A lovely piece of work, I thought, and — again — faithful to the source material (a big thing with me). It should not be forgotten at nominations time.

I am not urging anyone to nominate any of these… but I am suggesting that you might want to check them out. They’re all works I enjoyed a lot. I suspect that THE MARTIAN and FURY ROAD and the yet-unseen STAR WARS are all pretty much locks for Hugo nominations regardless, but the other three, the more obscure three, are worthy efforts that might be missed, unless people seek them out. So…

Sunday Bloody Sunday

November 1, 2015 at 6:21 pm
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Some talking heads are saying this morning’s game between the Giants and the Saints was a great contest. I suppose it was. If you love offense, and hate defense.

I love defense, and I hate losing, so I went away very unhappy. I mean, 52 to 49, really? REALLY? Nobody stopped anybody, ever. 52 – 49 is a basketball score.

Okay, Eli was great, Odell was great, the Giants offense kept coming back and coming back. But the Giants defense must have missed the plane to Nawlins. Aside from the one pick six, they were absent all game. And the end of the game was ludicrous. After all that scoring, the game turned on a facemask penalty on our punter.

And just when I thought life could not get any worse, I watched the Jets game.

That one was lost the moment Fitz went down and Geno Smith came in. Geno showed flashes, sure, Geno always shows flashes. But when the clock is ticking down and the game is on the line, he will always came up short. As he did this afternoon. I sure as hell hope that Fitzpatrick can come back next week. If not, then I pray Todd Bowles sits Geno Smith and gives a shot to the kid they drafted, Bryce Petty. Because if Geno is our starter again, the season is over.

Also, we need Nick Mangold back… though his young replacement did well. And Cromartie and Marshall suffered injuries as well. Those could be season-killing too, if they are serious.

All in all, a horrid day. Life is miserable and full of pain.

Only one consolation: the Cowboys lost too. And just as painfully as the Giants.


Books For Brains!

October 30, 2015 at 2:48 pm
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The day before All Hallows Eve, and the ghoulies and ghosties and werewolves are stirring…

But the zombies are already out, hungry for brains.

Don’t miss tonight’s episode of Z NATION, where I make my undead debut.

(Together with my faithful undead minions Jo and Raya).

Three Cheers For Snod

October 29, 2015 at 2:30 pm
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Wanted to take a moment here to congratulate my old friend, sometimes collarborator, co-editor, and general partner in crime MELINDA M. SNODGRASS on her new gig. Melinda is headed back to LA to head up the writing staff of STAR TREK: RENEGADES, a new fan-funded Trek web series that features Walter Koenig as Chekov. Melinda will be an executive producer.

Of course, Snod is no stranger to Trek. She was one of the writers on NEXT GENERATION, where she scripted, among other episodes, “Measure of a Man,” still widely regarded as one of the best five Trek episodes of all team. She’ll do a great job on this new show, I have no doubt.

You can read all about this on Melinda’s own blog at:

((I know a lot of you Trek fans out there will be excited about this, and there will doubtless be lots of questions… that’s the place to ask ’em, not here. Thanks.))

Also, here’s the link to the Kickstarter page funding RENEGADES:

Sounds like a fun series. Go get ’em, Weeds.

Cocteau Author Events

October 29, 2015 at 1:50 pm
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We had a great time Tuesday night at the Jean Cocteau. Melinda Snodgrass handled the interview task, with me as the subject, and did a wonderful job. Sellout crowd, and of course I signed a lot of books — DOWN & DIRTY, KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, and the new coloring book.

((Autographed copies of all three will soon be available from the JCC website)).

Next up, in November…

DEBORAH HARKNESS returns on November 8, to sign THE BOOK OF LIFE.

And two days later, on November 10, we’ll have a launch for the WHEEL OF TIME companion.

Books and seats for both events can be reserved on our website. Do remember, our last three author events sold out… and we do hate turning people away at the door, so reserve your place soon.


October 29, 2015 at 1:08 pm
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Life is miserable and full of pain… when you’re a Mets fan.

Fifteen years between trips to the World Series. The Mets are finally back, and then…

Those were two excruciating losses. In completely different ways. Hard to say which one was more painful.

The only consolation… the Mets were down 0-2 to the Red Sox in ’86 too, and that year they lost the first two at home before going on to take two of three at Fenway. So maybe the fat lady ain’t sung yet. I think we have Thor on the mound yet.

Having both the Dark Knight and DeGrom go down, however… never thought THAT could happen.

Sometimes being a sports fan is so exhilerating. Other times, it feels like getting kicked repeatedly in the balls.

As for last week’s football… the Jets went down to the hated Patriots, while the Giants defeated the despised Cowboys. Some highs, some lows. However, really, neither one of those games was all one way or the other. Gang Green’s loss was strangely encouraging. The D looked very good, Fitz played well, and the Jets hung in there. This could very well be a playoff team. The Giants are another story. They won, yeah, but it was hardly a convincing win. No pass rush at ALL, and their run defense got absolutely shredded. They may lead the NFC East for the moment, but they are not going anywhere unless they can get healthy and shore up that defense. JPP had better come back soon and start getting sacks…

All Men Must Die…

October 22, 2015 at 1:51 pm
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… but only a few get to come back as the UNDEAD.

But hey, I’m one of them.

For all you Z NATION fans out there, and those who aren’t (yet) too, my long-anticipated guest starring role as a rotting corpse is scheduled for the October 30 episode, “The Collector.”

I hear a rumor that EW will have a clip from the show on line tomorrow.

No doubt Emmys will follow.

Coming to the Cocteau

October 22, 2015 at 1:10 pm
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We have some great stuff coming to the Jean Cocteau Cinema in the weeks to come.

Starting this weekend, when we’ll be showing the classic BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN.

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Come Tuesday, we’ll have another author event, this time featuring… yes, ME.

A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS came out October 6 and has been riding high on the lists. And Tuesday October 27 is the official release date for both Bantam’s official ICE AND FIRE adult coloring book, and Tor’s reissue of Wild Cards volume five, DOWN & DIRTY.

All three titles will be available for sale at the JCC. MELINDA SNODGRASS will be on hand as well, to interview me. A question-and-answer will follow, and then I will adjourn to the lobby to sign books (but no personalizations, sorry). However, tickets are already half-gone for this one, and we anticipate another sellout… so if you want to join us, contact the theatre (by phone or via our website) and reserve a book and a place now.

Come Halloween weekened, we’ll be showing something old and something new… ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (with a live performance by Rocky Horror New Mexico) and THE CREEPING GARDEN, a film about… wait for it… SLIME MOLD. (Where else but the JCC?)

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Tickets to all of these events can be bought on the JCC website:

November is looking pretty cool as well, with author events coming up for DEBORAH HARKNESS and the WHEEL OF TIME COMPANION, and burlesque with the SUICIDE GIRLS.

See you at the Cocteau!