Okay, this was a hoot and a half.
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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Those words, of course, are by Emma Lazarus. Her poem, “The New Colossus,” appears in bronze on the base of the Statue of Liberty. A statue given to the United States by France, our nation’s oldest friend and ally… a bit of history that seems especially important just now, in light of the recent horrors in Paris.
For me, Lady Liberty and the words on her base represent the best of what this nation of immigrants is all about. One has to wonder if all the governors (including our own governor here in New Mexico, I am ashamed to say) and congressmen voting to keep out the Syrian refugees have ever visited the Statue, or read the words on her base. If so, they surely failed to understand them.
Of course, most everyone knows the part about ‘your tired, your poor, your huddled masses,’ but let me draw your attention to some other lines of the poem:
— a mighty woman with a torch… her name Mother of Exiles,
— from her beacon hand, Glows world-wide welcome,
— send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to me.
Emma Lazarus had it right. Donald Trump and thirty-one governors have it wrong, wrong, wrong.
The Syrian refugees are as much victims of ISIS as the dead in France.
Let them in. Santa Fe, at least, will welcome them.
Next week should be epic at the JCC.
Yes, we have Sibel Kekilli and WHEN WE LEAVE on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday, well, Thursday is Thanksgiving. Turkey and football and (I hope) Melinda’s epic apple pie. (Pumpkin pie has its fans, I know, but I’m an All American apple pie guy. With a slice of cheese on the side, please. ‘Apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze,’ my mother used to say). That will be fun… but it won’t be at the JCC.
On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we have another very special event. That afternoon, at 3:30, NEAL STEPHENSON will be dropping by for a visit, to talk about his new novel SEVENEVES.
I haven’t had the chance to read SEVENEVES myself, though I am looking forward to it. There’s been a lot of critical buzz about this one, and some great reviews; right now, it looks as if SEVENEVES will be a strong contender come Hugo time. Neal Stephenson is no stranger to that, of course. He’s won (and lost) Hugos before, and his wins include ‘the Big One,’ the Hugo for best novel. We will also have a good selection of his backlist available for sale… and signing… at the JCC.
So if you’re in New Mexico this Sunday, come by and meet him, enjoy a cocktail, and hear how it happened that the moon broke up.
Big doings at the Jean Cocteau next week.
Starting on Tuesday, when the amazing SIBEL KEKILLI visits Santa Fe once again. Last time she was here, I introduced her to margaritas and chile con queso, so of course she had to return.
GAME OF THRONES fans know Sibel best as Shae, of course, but she’s much much more than that. In her native Germany, Sibel has twice won the prestigious Lola Award (the ‘German’ Oscar) as Best Actress.
Last time she visited us, we screened the first of her Lola-winning films, her feature debut in HEAD ON. So this time it seemed only right that we show the second, WHEN WE LEAVE.
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We’ll be showing WHEN WE LEAVE only twice, on Tuesday night and again on Wednesday, and Sibel will be on hand to introduce the film and answer your questions afterward… about WHEN WE LEAVE, about GAME OF THRONES (yay Shae!), about her current starring role in the hit German crime series TATORT, about her work with Terre des Femmes, or whatever. You might even be able to persuade her to sign your GAME OF THRONES books, who knows?
Advance tickets can be purchased on the Cocteau website.
See you at the movies!
Hiya kids, hiya, hiya.
Hey, you missed the fun. Last night’s appearance by the Suicide Girls at the Jean Cocteau was amazing. Sellout crowd, and an amazing sexy raucous nerdilicious show. Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Thriller, Rocky Horror… oh, and a bit with a girl and three dragons.
Tonight the Suicide Girls will be performing down in Albuquerque, at a much bigger venue… but they seemed to like the intimacy of the Jean Cocteau, and our audience certainly loved it.
After Albuquerque, they have dates in Tucson, Phoenix, Las Vegas (Nevada, not New Mexico), and San Diego before winding up their current tour.
If they come to a city near you, check it out. (And no, burlesque is not just for dirty old men any more. In fact, there were probably more women than men in our auditorium last night. Lots and lots of couples. And everyone went out hooting and hollering and smiling).
We hope to welcome to Suicide Girls back to Santa Fe again next year.
Since my post last week, the JCC has sold out on its stock of autographed copies of A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS. Sorry. But don’t fret, we have ordered more, and I will be defacing them with my illegible scrawl as soon as they come in.
We do, however, still have signed copies of the coloring book and Andy Weir’s MARTIAN still available by mailorder (while the supply lasts), along with lots of other cool titles.
These and many more available through the JCC website at http://www.jeancocteaubooks.com/
Happy reading.
When you take a step back and consider the issue logically, the degree to which the fortunes of our teams can affect a true sports fan is almost inexplicable. Yet it is also undeniable. After all, the teams we choose to root for are not OUR teams in any meaningful sense. The relationships are all one way, and entirely voluntary (false fans hop from one bandwagon to another all the time). A loss by one of my teams does me no real harm; a victory does me no real good.
And yet, and yet… some of the greatest highs of my life have come courtesy of the New York Mets, the New York Giants, and (a long time ago, in an era far far away) the New York Jets. And losses by those same teams have been known to send me deep into the slough of despond. Truth be told, a really bad loss by one of my teams has been known to depress me far more than some of the times I’ve lost a Hugo, a Nebula, or an Emmy. I’ve learned to shrug off my own defeats in life… but when Big Blue or the Amazin’s or Gang Green go down, well…
Thursday night was a punch in the gut. Yesterday afternoon was another.
A loss for the Jets, a loss for the Giants. But not just any losses. BAD losses. The kind that really hurt. My guys should have won both games.
The victories were right there for the taking. So close I could taste them. But no, instead I had to choke down bitter defeats. What’s worse, both teams lost the games in THE SAME WAY, with truly inexplicable play-calling when the game was on the line. Deep inside the opponents’ territory, the goal line just a few feet ahead, the clock running down… all the Jets needed to do, all the G-Men needed to do, was RUN RUN RUN the ball, wind down the clock, make the opponent burn his final timeouts, then kick the winning field goal or score the winning touchdown.
Instead both the Jets and Giants chose to pass, pass, pass. Incompletions stopped the clock. The Jets did not manage to score at all, the Giants settled for a FG and a lead but left too much time for Tom Brady.
I guess they couldn’t hear me screaming at my TV set.
Life is miserable and full of pain.
(I am not feeling good about the chances of either team going forward. Some losses can be shrugged off, while others do more lasting damage, and can send the team into the tailspin for weeks. This week’s losses, I fear, are of that sort. The Giants, in particular, are going to have a hard time getting over what happened yesterday).
((I am also seriously despondent about Victor Cruz needing another season-ending surgery. A great player, and one of my favorite Giants. I’ve been looking forward to seeing him and Odell Beckham Junior on the field at the same time for more than a year. Now it seems that may never happen. Really sucks. Cruz seems a good guy, and he deserved better. The football gods are cruel).
MISSY SUICIDE: Oh yeah, we’re really big fans of helping out and giving back. The Wolf Sanctuary is more than deserving.
Been awhile since we updated the Signed Books page for the Jean Cocteau, but we’re finally starting to get caught up. Which means that some of the titles we’ve featured in our more recent author events are (at last!) available for mail order.
That includes two of my own titles — A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS and the coloring book — as well as Andy Weir’s movie tie-in edition of THE MARTIAN.
All three titles can now be ordered from the JCC bookstore at http://www.jeancocteaubooks.com/ — along with books from Dennis Lehane, Diana Gabaldon, Melinda Snodgrass, Steve Stirling, Junot Diaz, Anne Perry, Trent Zelazny, Steve Gould, and many more.
More titles forthcoming, so check back soon.
[… at least for a visit.
Last week I returned to my old haunts in Evanston, Illinois, to Northwestern University and the Medill School of Journalism, where I was honored with an Alumni Achievement Award. The honor meant a lot to me, as did the warm welcome I received from the faculty and students at Medill.
I also got to attend a football game at Ryan Field (it was Dyche Stadium when I was there), and witness a thrilling last-minute victory over the Lannister Lions Penn State Nittany Lions. Good game (though Penn State did knock out NU’s starting QB, which could bode ill for the remainder of the season). Not only did I see a win, but I got to hang out with a fellow NU alum, AND was presented with a Northwestern helmet midway through the second quarter. VERY cool.
All that was great… but the best part of the visit was getting to meet some of the students, who turned out in large numbers for all of my public events. For some reason, they all seemed a lot younger than the students I remember from 1970… but just as bright.
I had forgotten what a pretty town Evanston is, especially in autumn. The city has changed a lot since I was last there, however, as has the campus. A LOT of new buildings, everywhere. Fisk and Harris and University were still there, I was pleased to see, but surrounded on all sides by big modern buildings I don’t remember. Deering looked unchanged, though. And Tech… where I took Bergen Evans’ introduction to literature…
A lot of memories. I would have loved to wander the campus a little more and wallow in nostalgia, but alas, I could not walk a block beyond the hotel without being stopped for half a dozen selfies, so I had to put that plan aside.
(I was saddened to see that Evanston has lost all of its old movie theatres. The Varsity, the Valenica, the Evanston up by the stadium, the Coronet down by the Main Street newsstand… gone, every one of them. What a loss).
My thanks to Dean Hamm, President Shapiro, Beth Moellers, the gang at the Nerd Bar, and everyone else who helped to make my visit so special.