Not a Blog

MAC Nattering

July 13, 2016 at 11:48 am
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Worldcon is coming up soon… MidAmericon II in Kansas City, Missouri, the long awaited successor to the original 1976 MidAmericon, which some of us old pharts still consider to be the Greatest Worldcon Evah. (It was certainly the most innovative, a true game-changer, for both good and ill).

I will be there, along with hundreds of other writers, artists, and editors, and thousands of fans. If you have never been to a con before, this is the one to go to… assuming you’re a reader. Worldcon has always had a strong literary slant, and while costuming, television, films, comics, and games are all included as well, it is the written word that occupies center ring here.

If that interests you, you can join here:

Join now, and you’ll be able to vote for the Hugo Awards (and to nominate next year).

For readers who would like to meet and talk with their favorite writers (including me), a worldcon is a MUCH better place to do so than a booksigning.

For what it’s worth, however, there are also booksignings AT worldcon, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to get your books scrawled in, be they rare limited editions or battered paperbacks. I have committed to four (count ’em, 4) booksignings at MAC myself:

— I’ll be doing two ninety-minute signings in the convention autograph area, signing whatever you want me to sign, be it books, comics, swords, games, Funko Pop dolls, t-shirts, or body parts, (but only one item per person, please, and no personalizations or inscriptions, sorry),

— I will also be doing a one-hour signing in the dealer’s room at Gary Gianni’s booth, but at that one Gary and I will be signing ONLY copies of A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS, and the new Gianni sketchbook that GG will be debuting at MAC,

— and in conjunction with Tor Books and a local bookstore, I’ll be part of a huge WILD CARDS signing, joined by more than a dozen other Wild Cards authors new and old. My “no personal inscription” rule will still hold for that one, alas, though many of the other writers will inscribe. However, I am suspending my “only one book per person” rule for this event. I’ll sign as many books as you want here… so long as they are all Wild Cards books.

Dates, times, and locations will all be forthcoming, so watch this space.

And yes, of course, I’ll be doing other stuff in Kansas City as well. A couple of panels, a reading, maybe some other stuff.

See you at Big MAC! And save me some burnt ends!!!

Pretty Dany Moneyeyes

July 12, 2016 at 4:12 pm
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This wild ride I have been on for this last decade just keeps getting wilder.

The amount of GAME OF THRONES stuff out there boggles even me.

Here’s the latest:

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I have not seen this one in person myself. I understand there is one at the Sky City casino down near Acoma, west of Albuquerque. Whether Sandia or Camel Rock or any of the other Indian casinos nearby have them I don’t know, though I suspect they do.

I don’t go to casinos very often, and when I do I prefer to play poker or blackjack with other human beings rather than the slots, but I’d play this one. In fact, I want one for myself. Though I have no idea whether it is even legal for an individual to own a slot machine, or if you need a casino to be able to have one.

(I do have the GAME OF THRONES pinball machine. Which is very cool itself).

What’s next, you ask? No idea…

The Comedy, Magic, and Mentalism of Max Krause #GRRMinion

July 11, 2016 at 2:25 pm
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I'm not George R.R. Martin. I'm Ogre Jenni, and I work at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe. Here is the ancient song of my people.

This weekend, we welcome another incredible magician to our stage! Max Krause, who also owns a really cool magic shop, will stun adults and children alike with his brilliant magical acts. He will perform some A Song of Ice and Fire themed tricks, befuddle us with expert-level prestidigitations, melt our brains (and our sense of free will) using his Mentalism techniques, and much more!

Max has performed for several celebrities including (but definitely not limited to) The Minnesota Vikings, Frank Thomas (of the Chicago White Sox), The Cranberries, Motley Crue, Ted McGinley, James Belushi, and Metallica. METALLICA, PEOPLE! Make your jokes about Lars, if you must, but still! There is a good reason Max was invited to perform for Metallica. He is truly a world class magician.

If you are near Santa Fe this weekend, bring your friends and family! They'll all have a great time.

Learn more here!


Books Books Books

June 24, 2016 at 11:50 am
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Well, so far so good so far as international shipping is concerned.

Orders are coming in, books are being weighed, packed, and shipped.

Assuming that there are no problems en route, or with customs on the other ends, maybe this will fly and we can make all our fans overseas happy. So keep those emails and orders coming.

Oh, and speaking of autographs, my friend Diana Gabaldon dropped by the JCC the other day, and signed a few more stacks of books for us. So we have replenished our supply of OUTLANDER titles (have you guys been watching the series? it’s amazing). And Diana also signed some hardcovers of one of the anthologies she’s in, SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH. While the supply lasts, we can offer copies of that one with four signatures: the two editors (me and Gardner), plus Diana Gabaldon and Neil Gaiman.

Happy reading!

Jean Cocteau Cinema Presents: Darynda Jones #GRRMinion

June 23, 2016 at 2:54 pm
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Jenni the filthy and awful Ogre here—not George R.R. Martin! Shh-shh-shhhh don't cry, little humans. I bring good news from the Jean Cocteau Cinema.

New York Times bestselling author Darynda Jones will read from her latest Charley Davidson novel, The Curse of the Tenth Grave, on June 28th. The Curse of the Tenth Grave is officially released that day, so YESSS WE GET FIRST DIBS! We are very lucky to have such a funny, engaging, and insightful author nearby in Albuquerque. What can we say? New Mexico has talent.


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work including a prestigious RITA®, a Golden Heart®, and a Daphne du Maurier. As a born storyteller, she grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike. Darynda lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys.



As a Part-time PI and fulltime grim reaper, Charley Davidson has asked a lot of questions throughout her life: Why can I see dead people? Who is the hot supernatural entity following me? How do I get gum out of my sister’s hair before she wakes up? But, “How do I trap not one malevolent god, but three?” was never among them. Until now. And since those gods are on earth to kill her daughter, she has little choice but to track them down, trap them, and cast them from this dimension.

There’s just one problem. One of the three stole her heart a very long time ago. Can the Razer, a god of absolute death and destruction, change his omniscient spots, or will his allegiances lie with his brothers?

Those are just a few of the questions Charley must answer, and quick. Add to that a homeless girl running for her life, an innocent man who’s been charged with murdering the daughter of a degenerate gambler, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar, and Charley has her hands full. If she can manage to take care of the whole world-destroying-gods thing, we’re saved. If not, well…

See you at the Cocteau!


The King of Horror

June 22, 2016 at 3:25 pm
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Here’s that video I promised.

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((Those signed copies of Joe Hill’s THE FIREMAN I mentioned are available from the Jean Cocteau website, while the supply lasts. Sorry, we have no signed Stephen King books to offer)).

Signed Books – International Edition

June 18, 2016 at 4:03 pm
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Ever since the Jean Cocteau Cinema began offering autographed books from our author events for sale via mailorder, we have been getting queries from readers in Europe, South America, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand about placing orders. We haven’t been able to fulfill those requests, alas. Up till now, books were only available within the US.

The problem is shipping. There is, unfortunately, no simple, easy, and inexpensive way to ship books (or anything else, alas) outside the US. Not any more. Once upon a time, a shipper could choose between air mail (fast but expensive) and sea mail (slow but cheap). Then sea mail got abolished. After that, for a time, there was a thing called an M-bag (slow but cheap). That got abolished too. Within the US, there is Media Mail, formerly known as Book Rate, which saves a lot of money… but Media Mail does not work beyond the borders of the US. Internationally, there is only air mail… oh, and the various express services, like DHL and FedEx. So effectively the shipping options for our friends overseas are limited to Expensive and Very Expensive and Very Very Very Expensive (for overnight).

I’ve had my JCC staff working on this problem for many months, trying to find a solution. Sadly, there does not seem to be one. Yet even so, the queries still come in. So we’ve decided to bite the bullet — for a short time, at least, as an experiment — and offer the signed books from the JCC bookstore for sale to everyone around the world. We’ll see how much demand there is, and how much time order fulfillment requires from my already overworked staff.

But please take note. The process is complicated and onerous, and shipping costs will be high. In many cases, depending on what you’re ordering, shipping will be more than the actual cost of the books themselves. ALSO, please note, there could be additional charges on your end. We have no control over taxes, tariffs, customs costs, and import duties. Every nation has its own rules. Once the shipment leaves the Jean Cocteau, it’s out of our hand… so if your customs people stop the package and ask for fees, there’s nothing we can do about it.

((All these problems are among the reasons why we have not been taking international orders up until now. Too many complications, too many complaints)).

So… if I haven’t discouraged all of you sufficiently, here’s the complex and expensive procedure for placing orders from outside the USA:

1. Guest selects item(s) from the JCC website.

2. Guest has to email: The email should contain the following: item(s), and destination.

3. JCC will review the order and weigh the item(s)

4. JCC will enter destination, weight, value, dimensions of shipping box on USPS website to get the shipping cost. Unless instructed to use FedEx of DHL or other more expensive method, we will always look for the cheapest method.

5. JCC will email the guest with the total cost of the order (books, shipping, handling).

6. If the guest agrees, JCC will invoice him/ her via PayPal. PayPal is the ONLY payment method we can accept for international orders, sorry.

7. Guest pays invoice.

8. Books are shipped.

All of the books pictured above are available, along with many more. Visit the Jean Cocteau website for the full list. Stocks are limited, however. We do sell out.

ALL the books sold by the JCC are signed by the author and/or editor. Some of the anthologies and Wild Cards books have multiple autographs, though we cannot guarantee that. However, we cannot offer personalizations or inscriptions. Just signatures.

At the moment, we are only offering English-language editions… but if this system does not prove too costly for the readers, or too burdersome for my staff, we may be able to offer limited amounts of foreign language editions and translations in the future. Watch this blog for announcements to that effect from my minions. (And if you are looking for one of my books in a specific language, feel free to write the JCC at the email above and request it. We may have some).

We know this system if far from ideal, and for that we apologize… but we wanted to do something to show that we do value all the readers around the world who have written us, and would like to do our best to serve them.

Happy reading.

The King and I

June 17, 2016 at 1:40 pm
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What a great time last night in Albuquerque, at the Kiva Auditorium.

Stephen King is on tour to promote his new novel, END OF WATCH, the third and concluding volumes in his ‘Mercedes killer’ trilogy, and the good folks at Bookworks were kind enough to ask me to sit down with him for an hour of conversation.

We talked about childhood, writing, reading, naked day, the nature of evil, and rats.

Went for an hour, but we could have gone for ten. Steve’s an amazing guy, and a great writer.

(We hope to be able to offer a video soon. Watch this space).

Pat Conroy Literary Center

June 16, 2016 at 12:06 am
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Pat Conroy was one of the great novelists of the last half-century.

Regular readers of this Not A Blog know what a huge fan of his work I am. No, he did not write science fiction or fantasy… but (surprise!) despite my love for our genre, I read a lot of stuff outside of it. And once I had sampled Pat Conroy, I read every book of his eagerly as soon as it came out. THE PRINCE OF TIDES is probably his masterpiece, but I loved BEACH MUSIC and THE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE and THE GREAT SANTINI and THE WATER IS WIDE as well. Oh, and his non-fiction memoir, MY LOSING SEASON, another engrossing read.

The movies based on his books were pretty damned good as well, even if the film version of THE PRINCE OF TIDES did omit… well… the prince of tides. SANTINI is the best of those. Amazing performance by Robert Duvall, once of the best of his career.

A couple of years ago, I had the honor of meeting Pat, and hosting him for an author event and booksigning at the Jean Cocteau Cinema. It was a rare privilege, and one I will always remember, and I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to learn that he’d read and enjoyed my own books.

Pat passed away in March… but his books will live on, and so will his memory.

In his memory, his family has now establishing a Pat Conroy Literary Center in his beloved home town of Beaufort, South Carolina. You can read about it here:

A worthy project, I think. I’ll be donating. I urge all of you who love good writing to do the same.

Baltimore and NYC

June 12, 2016 at 5:37 pm
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Feeling much better now, though I am still sipping tea with lemsip a couple times a day to keep the chest congestion down. The coughing has largely subsided.

Anyway, as I was intending to say before I got the crud, we had a great time in Baltimore and NYC.

Balticon was celebrating its fiftieth birthday this year. Half a century of cons, pretty extraordinary. To mark the occasion, they brought back as many of their previous GOHs as they could (some were unavailable, and some had died), to join me, the current year Guest of Honor. It’s always great to see old friends like Connie Willis and Joe Haldeman, and especially friends like John Varley, who I hadn’t run into for a couple of decades. Of course, a lot of new friends were on hand as well. Balticon moved back downtown for this year’s con, so we were right at the Harborplace, across the street from the Constellation and the dragonboats, and within sight of the Hyatt Regency where the first Baltimore worldcon was held. Brought back a lot of memories.

I did a lot of signing, a kaffeeklatch, a special fund-raising dinner where I changed tables for every course, an interview, the opening ceremonies (crabs and paddleboats and pirates, ph my), and read the Damphair chapter from THE WINDS OF WINTER.

And we ate crabs, and pronounced them good.

(We also ate “the best pizza in Baltimore” and pronounced it less good).

And then it was time for the Acela, and New York City.

New York City was mostly business, as it usually is: meetings with my agents, publishers, editors, and of course HBO. But we found time to fit in a couple of pizza tastings, both in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Also managed to get into the Carnegie Deli, which I fear is falling on hard times. We always try to catch a show when we’re in the city. This time it was HAMILTON.

Guys, gals, go see HAMILTON. Everything you’ve heard is true. It is going to win a bunch of Tony Awards. The performances are incredible. And after the show, we got to sneak backstage and hang some with King George III, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton his own self.

Even that was not the highlight of the New York part of the trip, though. That came a day later, when Parris and I headed over to Bayonne to visit with my sisters and brothers-in-law, my niece and nephews and their partners… and meet, for the first time, my great nephew Brady, born a few weeks earlier. It would appear that I am now a gruncle.