Not a Blog

OK, OK, Not Really

June 8, 2009 at 12:11 pm
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Yes, I know, it wasn’t even April 1st, but I couldn’t resist.

Glad you folks enjoyed it.

I’d like to give credit to whoever created the South Park versions of my cast, but I’m afraid I don’t know who it was. The pictures arrived some time ago — last year, maybe even the year before — and I meant to put them up on my From My Readers page. But then I had one of my periodic computer glitches wherein all my email was eaten. I recovered most of it, but not all, and the letter that came with the cartoons was one of those lost. The pictures themselves, having been downloaded, were untouched.

So if the reader who created the pictures is out there reading this, please step up and take a bow. They’re wonderful. Thank you.

(And by the way, people continue to send me pictures of their dogs, cats, babies, and tattoos for my fan page, along with original artwork and all sorts of other things. And I do mean to post ’em there, really… but I’m about a hundred pictures behind. Eventually I should get it all up, but I can’t swear as to when. I’m kinda busy).

From now on I’ll be good, I will, I will.

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A Change of Plans

June 7, 2009 at 10:05 pm
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Yes, HBO has been holding auditions for the pilot of A GAME OF THRONES. In London, in Ireland, even in LA. It’s been tough finding the right actors for the roles, however, so we’ve decided to take a different approach. We’re scrapping the whole live action thing, and we’ll be doing the show as an animated cartoon. And who better to take charge of that than the guys who have done such a great job with SOUTH PARK lo these many seasons?

They’ve jumped right into it, and we’ve already got our characters:






Can you dig it?

All together now. “You killed Ned. You BASTARDS!”

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My Fans Are Pretty Odd…

June 7, 2009 at 9:21 pm
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… but this is amusing.
<lj-embed id=”8″/>

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Some More Cool Miniatures

June 7, 2009 at 3:03 pm
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Just because.

Here’s another one from Jen Haley. This is the Night’s Watch raven keeper figure from Dark Sword, but since I’ve already got several examples of him in NW black, I had her do this one as a Stark retainer. Not quite how I picture Maester Luwin, but maybe his predecessor.

And here is Jen’s take on Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, one of Tom Meier’s most spectacular sculpts.

Jen is not the only painter I use (I no longer seem to have the time or energy to paint myself, but even when I did, I was nowhere in the class of the “hired brushes” I employ).

Here’s a piece by Matt Verzani, Dark Sword’s official house painter. It’s the archer figure from the Night’s Watch, another great Tom Meier piece, but in this case we’ve painted him as Theon Greyjoy. (We have an actual Theon figure coming, sculpted by Jeff Grace, and greens can be seen on the Dark Sword website, but that one hasn’t been released yet).

Next we have another Verzani, this one his paint of Rattleshirt, the Lord o’ Bones. This time the sculpt is by Jeff Grace.

Another fine painter that I commission from time to time is Dave Gulczynski of WarPaint Miniatures. Here’s his version of the lady of the court.

And finally this one, Dave’s version of one of Jeff Grace’s wildling figures, the spearwife with the sword.

There’s lots more, but that should hold you for now. Enjoy.

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Tyrion in Pewter

June 1, 2009 at 12:17 pm
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Here’s something cool: the new miniature of Tyrion Lannister, soon to be rolling out from Dark Sword Miniatures.

The mini hasn’t been released yet. This is a prototype, painted by the amazing Jen Haley in a color scheme to match her gorgeous versions of Jaime and Cersei, which can be seen below.

You can order your own Dark Sword miniatures at

And Jen has her own website at where you can see a lot more of astonishing brushwork. She takes commissions, too.

Comments welcome, but only about miniatures, painting, and Tyrion. Please stay on topic.

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June 1, 2009 at 11:12 am
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It can’t be June already. It really can’t.

Where have the months gone?

I am so depressed.

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Accept No Substitutes

May 28, 2009 at 3:11 pm
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Ty has just informed me that there’s someone impersonating me on Twitter, using my name as their handle.

For the record, I’m not on Twitter and don’t intend to be on Twitter. Live Journal and my website are as much as I can handle. So whatever this clown says or does, ’tain’t me.

I am also not on My Space, Facebook, or any of the other usual internet watering holes.

Just here.

Current Mood: null null

Buried Treasures

May 26, 2009 at 7:34 pm
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With my library tower complete at last, we’ve finally started moving things out of storage. We were actually able to give up one of our three lockers, and get down to two. Some of the stuff has been in storage so long that we’d forgotten that we owned it, so finding it again is like bumping into an old friend you haven’t seen in years.

And some buried treasures are coming to light as well. To start with, we found another box of the deluxe limited edition hardcover of the GAME OF THRONES rpg from Guardians of Order. And since they were safe in storage, these copies are NOT horribly water-damaged.

I know that there more of you who wanted to get your hands on one of these, so I am pleased to offer autographed copies once again. Details can be found on my website at:

So far we have only found one box, so it will be first come, first served for as long as copies last. I do think there are more out there in the two remaining storage lockers, but I don’t know how long it will take us to uncover them. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next year.

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Vance Book Goes to Press

May 19, 2009 at 11:48 am
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Subterranean Press has just announced that they’ve sent our Jack Vance tribute anthology, SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH, (which I co-edited with Gardner Dozois) to the printers:

This is the illustrated edition, with gorgeous interior artwork by Tom Kidd. The lettered and numbered states are sold out, but copies of the trade remain available at the SubPress website.

It’s going to be a real Jack Vance extravaganza over at Subterranean, since they are also rolling to press with his autobiography, IT’S ME, JACK VANCE, and the collection WILD THYME, GREEN MAGIC.

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feeling feisty

May 17, 2009 at 11:49 pm
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Much improved these last two days. I’ve even been writing well.

But damn, even a few days of being laid low puts me so far behind…

My life and career have developed a frightening momentum. I remember once, when I was out in Hollywood, someone described working on a weekly television series as being akin to madly laying rails as the locomotive roars full steam up the tracks just behind you. I’m not in Hollywood anymore, but life still feels like that some days. Lose a day here and a week there, and suddenly that damn train is rolling over you.

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