Exciting news from AMC about DARK WINDS, season two.
It would not have been possible without Zahn and Kiowa and Jess and the rest of our amazing cast, or Chris Eyre and Billy Luther and our directors, without a first-rate crew (a NEW MEXICO crew, by and large, many of them Native), without showrunner John Wirth and a great staff of writers, without Robert Redford and Tina Elmo and Anne Hillerman and Vince Gerardis and our other EPs… and of course without the late great Tony Hillerman, who brought us Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee.
Keep watching, friends, and we hope to bring you many more seasons. Tony wrote eighteen Leaphorn novels, after all, and his daughter Anne has added eight more since his passing.
(And if you’re enjoying the show, as I hope you are, READ THE NOVELS! We have some of them at Beastly Books.)
Current Mood: pleased