The World Science Fiction Convention is only a few weeks away. This is the oldest SF con, the one that started it all, and though it is no longer the largest, it’s still the one that matters, the heart and soul of SF fandom. And for me, it’s home away from home.
Here’s my schedule this year in Helsinki:
4:00 pm Tea & Jeopardy Podcast, w Emma & Peter Newman
THURSDAY August 10
12:00 NOON panel discussion: Invented Religions
2:00 pm autographing
FRIDAY August 11
SATURDAY August 12
2:00 pm panel discussion: Built Upon the Shoulders of Giants
4:00 pm autographing
SUNDAY August 13
1:00 pm panel discussion: Thirty Years of Wild Cards
Those are my official public appearances… but of course I will also be attending parties, checking out the art show, wandering the dealer’s room, lunching and dining with editors, agents, friends, and colleagues.
For those of you who want books signed, please, bring them to one of my two listed autograph sessions. I will NOT be signing before or after panels, at parties, during lunch or breakfast or dinner, at the urinal, in the elevator, on the street, in the hall. ONLY at the autograph table. If the lines are as long as they usually are, I’ll only be signing one book per person.
See you in Helsinki!
Current Mood: busy