Somehow it has become March already. Where did January and February go?
Two months of the year are gone, and already I feel as if I’m two months behind.
And things only get crazier from here.
CANADIANS, take note! I am heading up to Toronto in less than two weeks. I’ll be speaking and reading at the Toronto International Film Festival (sorry, they tell me the event is already sold out), and the signing at Indigo Books. Dates, times, and other details available on my website, so go check there for links.
Back home after that, and back at work, but then at month’s end I am off again, this time to the UK, where I will be Guest of Honor at Eastercon, this year at Heathrow. I will also be doing a couple of signings, one in Bath and one in London. From the UK, I head to Portugal, and events in Lisbon and Porto. Back home again just in time for the NFL Draft (didn’t think I’d miss THAT, didja?).
In between all this, I have, hmmmmm, lemme see, one two three four FIVE projects that I am currently working on, four of which were due months ago… but it’s the fifth that has all my attention now, that I absolutely must finish and deliver before the trip to the UK.
(Oh, and somewhere in there me and my assistants and my accountant must find time to prepare my taxes, so I can write the IRS the biggest check that I have written in my life. I am going to be much, much poorer by month’s end)
Busy, busy, busy.
I love the work, actually. I just hate the deadlines.
Current Mood: null