I hear that everything’s up to date in Kansas City, so I’ll be headed that way tomorrow to see for myself.
ConQuest beckons; KC’s annual regional convention, one of the best. Should be a good time. Patrick Rothfuss is GOH, John Picacio will be there, along with Brad Denton, Caroline Spector, and all of my old KC friends and partners in crime. I’ll be doing a reading, doing a panel, eating too much barbeque, drinking too much bheer.
And even before the con, we’ll have the road trip. I will be hitting the road with my Aussie friends, and driving right through the heart of Tornado Alley, which should be an… ah… adventure. If you’re in Oklahoma or Kansas and think you see me passing by, you may be right. The Big Well beckons… along with Dorothy’s House, Pancake Boulevard, the Cosmodrome, and the Elevator of Terror (you can’t make this stuff up).
Current Mood: null